Chapter 1

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Hey people, I made this when JUST got wattpad so it has its cringe parts. Yns name will be Iris and all that.

After Siri and the "club" got together they have been having a great time little do they know Siri is keeping a big secret. No one knows that she has a twin sister names Iris in another dimension called Duros.

Iris has been trying to defeat the monster ever since she was six years old. They both have a walkie talkie so they could keep in contact.

3 months later

Siri is finally ready to tell them the dying truth right after the last fight with 001. She finally chooses to tell them the secret. As she gathered everyone up on Mike's couch for a sit and says. "I know you think you killed the monsters from all the dimensions your wrong"

Dustin says "we know we have" siri exclaims "well you HAVENT, i have a twin sister. She is STUCK in another dimension, well not stuck she trapped herself in there to defeat the monster named Durotis, Also known as my father.

She has been in there since she was six and now I'm trusting you guys to keep it a secret. She is the stronger twin" Robin started chit chatting about all these theories before Dustin shut her up.

Then Dustin said "does she also have the power to open portals like 001?" Siri answered "Yes it just takes a lot of her, the dimension is in the sky but it's like the upside down, it copied everything here but creepy, I could use my walkie talkie to ask her to open a portal in the shed  since I'm making it our club house or whatever" Siri talked to Iris before Dustin took it out of her hand.

Dustin shouts "Open it in the back of the shed and let's make forts there I don't like the idea of a portal in the club house with monsters coming out!" Iris smiles and agreed.

A while later they both made a forts then Iris started the Richual. "খুলুন খুলুন গেট খুলুন ভবিষ্যত দেখান অতীত খোলা খোলা খুলুন খুলুন. গেট খুলুন খোলা মাত্রা খোলা খোলা খোলা খোলা খোলা দেখতে এবং আবিষ্কার করার জন্য " Iris said as using her black magic, the gate to the other world's has opened and is ready to function.

Everyone looks nervous but excited. One at a time Robin, will, Lucas, Nancy, Mike, eleven, Steve, Dustin walked through the portal to see a short but very hot and strong girl with scars and burns everywhere.

Everyone except siri looked her up and down in shock. Right when everyone snapped out of it there was a common small flying monster in the sky flying right to Iris with her back turned.

Iris grabbed her small knife out of its holder and stabs its head and this mysterious black goo comes out.
"OK that was awesome!" Dustin shouts in excitement.

Iris smiles and shows them around the house she has decorated with random things she finds around everywhere. Iris shows them some things they can sleep on but there is only enough for 9 people not including Iris.

Everyone yells and claims there sleep while Dustin is frustrated. Iris sighs "you can sleep with me ONLY if you stay on your side of the bed." Dustin happily agrees as Iris shows him her room saying "don't touch ANYTHING"
Dustin shouts "OK" Iris shuts her door and lays on the right side of the bed while Dustin lays down on the left.

They keep talking and laughing and telling stories until they both fall asleep. In the morning Dustin is touching her waist holding onto it not even meaning to but is still asleep. Iris wakes up first and is still half asleep not

even realizing anything until she turns around to notice Dustin. Iris shrieks and pushes Dustin fully off the bed waking him up. Dustin shouts "what was that for!" Iris answers "stay on your side of the bed!" They both have a moment of silence then burst out laughing.

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