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"Aris! Wake up! Watto's gonna be mad at us if we're late!"

A voice woke Aris up from her sleep.

It was her brother, Anakin Skywalker.

Waking up from her bed, she groggily shouted, "I'm coming, Ani!" 

Aris was one year younger than Anakin, and she was a slave, just like him. Another day slaving away for Watto, she thought as she sighed.

As they walked to Watto's shop, they started chatting about the Jedi: people who could use the force and carried super cool lightsabers. Aris had always wanted to be a Jedi. Oh, how she wished she was one. Then, she could escape with Anakin and their mother and defend them when needed.

"Come on, Aris. We're almost there," Anakin hurried Aris to walk faster as they were going to be late soon. Watto didn't like slaves to be late. Aris bent her head low as she focused on her thoughts.

Someday, I will be a Jedi. Someday, things will change. I know it.

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