(TFP) KnockWave - Just a race

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Knockout went out to go to a race and meet a familiar car or more like a mech, the is about to start in any moment now "May the best racer's win's " Knockout searched for who said that to see same car/mech from earlier. " It's going to be me of cause " Knockout said " We'll see about that " the car/mech said.

Time skip(Lazy to describe the race)


" The winner is W-Wi-Wilson Paint " the announcer said " And his cool and sweet car WaveStrike ", then the racer or by his name ' Wilson ' came out of the car, more like mech. ' Wilson ' wave and thankted the announcer aka Sari then left, the other racer's went back home too, left me and Sari " Come on, Sari " I said, she nodded her helm come in my alt mode. We went back to the base, Sari went to her berthroom to recharge, while I went to search for WaveStrike. I'm fragging mad now.

Meanwhile In WaveStrike berthroom


Went I was about to recharge, Knockout just barge into my room without a warning, which make me fell out of my berth, which make's me on the floor now, I look up to see an angry Knockout, which make me grin " How could you, WaveStrike." Konckout said with a hint of saddness in his voice, which make me quite upset " It's just a race, nothing more." I said, which make Knockout more angry. He then come's to me and kiss me then he said " JUST A RACE, YOU WON AND YOU SAID IT'S JUST A RACE. Dull, you'll get a reward." " Wh - what kind of r - reward." I said " Cuddle's and a few kisses " Knockout said, which make me sigh in relief, I thought he was go to frag me or even sparkted me. Few minute's later, I felt sleepy, " Night, love. " I said, almost falling to recharge, then I heard Knockout said " Goodnight, dull. " Then I fully went to recharge.


Dull went to recharge. My optic's went to his faceplate, they were feautiful, his feature were. Now I know why the other's and I love him with all of our spark.

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