Chapter 53: A Clean Slate!

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Izuku slowly opens his eyes to the sound of the heart monitor beeping next to him.  He groans and moans slowly as he observes his surroundings.  There was the heart monitor he was originally hearing, an IV drip attached to his left arm, his fingers all had a brace on them, even on his casted right arm which was being held up.

"Where... am I...?"  Izuku said slowly as he observed his cast and IV drip.  "Is this...  The hospital?"

Izuku began to slowly sit up in his bed, as he does; he feels a sharp pain on his head to which he rubs immediately.  From his left, Inko wakes up from the sound of Izuku's medical bed clanking.  She rubs her eyes and puts down her book before looking over to Izuku.

"I-Izuku..."  Inko muttered.  "IZUKU!!!  MY BABY, YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE!"

Inko leaps out of her seat and hugs Izuku tightly, causing him to shriek in pain.

"I'm so glad you're okay!  I was so worried!  How do you feel, does anything hurt at all, do you want me to make you your favorite katsudon bowl!?"  Inko asked in rapid succession.

"E-everything... hurts...!"  Izuku muttered slowly as he tries to breath with his mother hugging him tightly.

Inko's eyes widen with realization as she lets go of Izuku, he begins to pant heavily, trying to bear the immense pain as well as catch his breathe.

"I-I'm so sorry Izuku!"  Inko yelled.

"I-it's okay mom, really..."  Izuku replied before looking at his bandages and casted arm once more.  "What happened...?"

"I got a call from the police telling me you were hospitalized...  They also told me that you and your class had to fight real villains!?  And that you were heavily injured because of it!"  Inko explained.

"Villains...?  R-right, there was an attack on the USJ...  We got separated, some villains showed up, the Nomu..."  Izuku said to himself, trying to remember the events that transpired.  "S-Sensei...!"

"Ren-san?"  Inko asked.

"W-where's Sensei!?  Did the other heroes capture him...!?"  Izuku asked Inko before wincing in pain, holding his ribs in pain as he hunches over.  "S-Sensei...!"

"What's up?"  Ren replied next to Izuku.

Izuku immediately looks to his right and sees Ren sitting on a chair next to his bed, with one leg lifted on the table.

"You called?"  Ren replied to Izuku as he smiled at the two.

"S-sensei...!?  You're okay!"  Izuku exclaimed happily.

"Of course I am!  If anything, I'm more worried about you kid."  Ren replied.  "How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm fine for the most part...  I just thought...  The other heroes...  I thought they..."  Izuku stuttered as he wipes the slight tears away from his eyes.

"Like those clowns could hope to tie this guy down!  Come on kid, do you really not believe in me that much?"  Ren replied.  "After everything was said and done, I just changed into Nanomech and hid in one of your pockets.  I was going to leave as soon as I got confirmation that you were okay, but you needed surgery, so I ended up staying to watch over your surgery."

"I...  Had surgery?"  Izuku asked.

"Yeah, you sure took one nasty beating kid...  You really did almost die a few times on the table.  Had to shock your heart every time it started going haywire just so your Omnitrix didn't accidentally transform you mid-surgery."  Ren explained.  "After that, you were out like a light for 2 days. Was beginning to get worried."

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