A Glimmer of Hope

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Author's note: you may want to listen to Hans Zimmer's "Man of Steel" soundtrack while reading this story. Just for fun ;)

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["...we have unconfirmed reports that there was an unprovoked launch from an unfriendly nation aimed at the U.S. carrier just off the coast of Japan.

["The SDF is refusing to comment at this time, but an inside source says that Superman was able to destroy the warhead before it could reach its target.

["However, the rocket that held the warhead lost control and broke up over Tokyo, raining fiery debris in various parts of the city.

["Local fire fighters are working to contain the blazes, and we have witness reports that Superman is helping to extinguish much of the high rise buildings that have caught the brunt of the damage. However, the fire is widespread, from small burns to full alarm infernos. It may take some time before the fires are under control.

["Now thankfully, the areas affected are primarily vacated this close to the early evening. The high rises are being searched and evaluated as a precaution, but we're hearing a report that an prestigious all-girls school, where some of the debris has fallen, may still have students in attendance..."].

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A single policeman was standing in the middle of the street, making sure that everyone got to safety as fire trucks continued to make their way towards the burning buildings. It was more then what he expected this evening, hoping for a more ordinary night. But thankfully, the crowds were cooperating and following his directions, making his job easier.

The fires could be seen from far and wide. Some explosions could be heard around him, loud enough that he wanted to move closer to help in any other way. But he was instructed not to leave the area and to make sure the public moved to safety.

Suddenly, the crowd gasped as they all turned and pointed towards the sky. The policeman stopped to look up for himself.

A silhouette of a man, wearing red and blue, was seen flying quickly through the sky, moving towards a nearby tall office building that was on fire. He then stopped in mid air as people saw him blowing out the fire, making sure it was out before moving towards the next building.

It was a site to see. He had heard stories about this man... this alien... who lived among us. He, like everyone else, really wanted to meet this visitor from another planet, if nothing more then to say hi. The people living in Metropolis must be very lucky to see him flying around every day.

The policeman was so amazed at what he was seeing, that he failed to see a young, blonde haired woman run past him, headed in the direction of the fires...

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'Please Mei! Please be alright!' she thought as she ran in the direction of Aihara Academy, not thinking of anything else, not even of what was going on around her as she continued to run.

She ignored everyone around her, even some policemen who hollered at her to stop, running in a frantic as she hurried past the burning buildings. She could feel the heat coming from the fires, the smell of some kind of fuel was in the air, as she continued to rush past the destruction around her.

But she didn't care about any of that. All she wanted was to get to the academy as fast as she could. Nothing else mattered.

She was at home when she and her mom first heard the explosions in the distance. Then the reports of a rocket had fallen around the city, causing fires everywhere, including an all-girls school.

Citrus/Man Of Steel Crossover ~ A Glimmer Of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now