5. Apology

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After paying for my fries, I wave at Luke again behind the bar before I head to the door. Pulling my phone out of my backpack, I check to see that I have an hour left before my next class, yet I fail to see the person who walks into me.

"Oh!" I fall to the floor with a loud thud, my backpack and phone scattering across the wooden floor of the restaurant. My hands travel to the skirt of my dress that has risen up to the top of my thighs, and I quickly pull it down.

"Fuck, are you okay?" A familiar voice asks, and the shiver that runs down my spine at how husky and deep the voice is leaves no doubt in my mind who it belongs to. Before I can look up at Colton and answer him, I feel his huge arms snake around my waist as he pulls me to my feet.

My eyes widen at the gesture, and I gulp when he doesn't let me go before making sure I've regained my balance. Once I'm stably able to use both feet, I squirm out of his hold and take a couple of steps back.

Firstly, because I've promised him that no touching will happen between us again, and I meant that promise.

Secondly, because even though I don't know the reason behind why he hates when people touch him, I still find it quite hypocritical of him to touch me whenever he pleases.

Thirdly, because whenever he's near me, my heart keeps pounding in my chest, aching me to get even closer, and it makes me sad. Because I can't. Because he doesn't want me to.

Fourthly, because I've realized that I find him insanely attractive. He's by far the most handsome man I've ever seen, and it pisses me off that he doesn't have beautiful manners to match.

Colton clenches his jaw as he watches me with a deep frown between his eyes. He must be angry with me for bumping into him again. Or for just seeing my face.

Bending over, I quickly grab my phone and backpack off the floor before I look at him again. "Sorry." I don't give him a chance to answer me or scold me as I walk around him, careful to leave a respectful distance between us, and walk out of the diner.

I take a deep breath once I'm outside and secure my backpack on my shoulder. I start making my walk back to school when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Hold up." My head snaps to the side to see Colton jogging my way. He stops right in front of me, the angry scowl never leaving his face.

I remain silent as I watch him stare at my eyes with his cold grey irises, and I wish I could have the chance to learn what would make them melt. But I can't, so I just raise my eyebrows at him. "Yes? I already apologized."

"About yesterday." He mumbles, his fists clenching and unclenching by his sides, and I take a moment to look at him, —to really look at him— because I'm not sure if I'll get that chance again anytime soon.

His black wavy locks of hair atop his head are messed adorably, giving him a childish look that contrasts with the rest of him. His grey eyes are still cold, but when I focus, I notice a hint of sadness behind the cold exterior. They look like they've seen way too much for his age, that I presume is somewhere around twenty-two. He has a blue T-shirt on, tight around his evident muscles. Somehow, it makes his lips look a little fuller and a little more pink than I've seen them yesterday. The dark blue jeans he's wearing look mouthwatering while his bright white sneakers look as expensive as my phone.

Colton clenches his jaw in rhythm with his fists, and I know my features soften as I notice how stiff, tense, yet nervous he looks. I don't know why or how I come to this conclusion, but right this second, I realize that this man is just as misunderstood as I am.

However, I know from experience that keeping a front far from the reality beneath is not always a bad thing. So I decide to step back even further and let Colton do what he needs to do in order to survive this cruel world we live in.

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