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16 0 0

June 2nd, 2018.


smell n' sell shop.

han pov.

"hey felix" i said walking up to the counter, smiling at felix. "you always interrupt me at work, what do you want?" he responded sounding annoyed. "why so annoyed, shouldn't you be used to it?" i asked him. He chuckled, "15.69" he said grabbing a bottle of soap from underneath the counter. I looked at him as i took out my wallet, "damn it went up a couple cents hasn't it?". I handed him my credit card as i took it out. "it shouldn't hurt you, plus you always smell amazing with it don't you?" he responded. "i do, i guess it's worth the price" i said as he handed me back my credit card. I put it back in my wallet and put my wallet back up.

He put the bottle of soap in a bag and handed it to me. "can i stay with you until you close?" i asked him. He smiled and shook his head yes, opening a door allowing me behind the counter. I took a seat in a beanbag that was behind him.

Minho pov.

I walked into the shop and rushed to the counter. I looked at felix, tears in my eyes. He looked at me worried, "what's wrong!?" he asked me. "seungmin broke up with me" i said as tears began to run down my cheek. "oh no, why?" he responded, rushing out from behind the counter to give me a hug of comfort. "apparently he found some new guy he liked" i cried to him. As i hugged him i smelled some amazing scent coming from a distance. The longer we hugged the closer the scent grew, that scent smelled like heaven.

A couple seconds later the scent was stronger, it was like it was right infront of me. "a-are you okay?" i heard a random voice ask me, the random voice was so,,,calm. I opened my eyes, there i was met by a cute guy with cute little squirrel cheeks infront of me. The amazing scent was from this cute stranger. He had a face of worry, and he just looked at me. "y-y-yea" i stuttered, not wanting to worry this cute stranger. "are you sure?" he asked. "no he's not, he got broken up with. poor boy." felix told the cute stranger. The cute stranger held one of my hands that were wrapped around felix. "break-up's aren't fun, but i promise you will find somebody who will always love you" he said to me with a smile.

I smiled at him. "i'm han by the way" he told me, still smiling while looking at me. "i'm minho" i responded, keeping the smile aswell. Felix let go of me, but han was still holding my hand. How did i get so much comfort from a guy i just met? How was i already crushing on him? How was i so addicted to his scent?


Srry for the first chapter being so short!! I promise the other chapters will be longer or i'll try to make them longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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