6. A Simple Touch

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Alice's grin matches Lily's once she sees us entering the diner. Dave sends me a wink with a smirk on his face, and I roll my eyes at him.

"Hi, Dave! Nice hoodie!" Lily's soft voice says, making him smile at her.

"Thank you. You look cute in that dress."

She grins at him beautifully, as if his compliment means the world to her. Frowning, I realize I should compliment her, too. Often.

"Doesn't she?" Alice exclaims loudly.

"Sit." Grumpily, I point at the booth for Lily to get in first. She looks at me for a second, mesmerizing me further with her doe like eyes, before sliding into her seat and scooting closer to the glass to leave way too much space for me. Can't fucking blame her, can I?

I slide in after her, closer than I normally would sit next to someone, and I frown again.

I'm so confused. I'm fucking craving her touch. I can't stand anyone touching me, yet I'm near damn pouting because I'm not in contact with her skin.

Why the fuck does it feel so good to touch her? Why her, out of the rest of the human race?

Whenever someone touches me, the memories shove their way into my eyes, and they play before me like scenes of a movie. Only I'm the fucking protagonist.

But with Lily, her touch shuts my brain the fuck up. I feel nothing but calmness, peace, whenever we come in contact. It feels so refreshing, so liberating, to feel someone's touch without panic.

"You guys ready to order?" Blinking out of my thoughts, I look at the waiter standing beside me. His eyes fall on Lily, and he grins like a fucking lunatic. "Oh, hey, Anne."

I snap my eyes at her with a frown to see her smile at him so goddamn beautifully that I clench my jaw. "Hi, Luke."

How the fuck does she know this dweeb?

"You ready for tomorrow, beautiful?" He asks, and I glare at him so fucking hard I'm sure my eyes are about to shoot laser. Especially when she fucking blushes.

"Yeah." She mumbles.

Dave must have noticed how bothered I am because he clears his throat loudly, grabbing the fucker's attention. "We'll have two big B's with everything on them."

"Yeah," Alice eyes the waiter warily with a frown. "And two sodas, please."

"Sure." He writes their orders down before looking at Lily.

"I'll have a salad, please." She says, but I shake my head.

"We'll have two big B's too." I state because I'm not letting her fucking starve under my watch. Dave told me that Alice seemed a little worried about that too. She didn't want to embarrass Lily, so she stayed silent, but she mentioned to Dave how they spent the whole day together yesterday, and all she saw her eating was that damn salad. She also had a cupcake for breakfast this morning, Alice said.

It's none of our business, but I'm as worried as Alice is. I choose to fucking do something about it, though, even if I don't have that right.

"No, we won't." Lily shakes her head frantically, her wide eyes catching mine.

"Yes." I glare. "We will, Lily."

"No." She turns to the damn waiter. "He'll have one of those. and I'll have a salad, Luke. Thank you."

"Did he just call her Lily?" Alice asks Dave with a big grin, in what I assume was supposed to be a whisper, and he nods.

Turning my glare towards fucking Luke, I clench my fists. "Bring her a salad, I fucking dare you."

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