Life for a life

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A presence even darker than what lurked inside of Vader called him by name.

"Lord Vader..." the voice rumbled. "What have you done?"

The Emperor.

Vader turned, the eyes of his mask falling upon the Lord of the Sith.

He could feel his master's anger... his attachment to the elder woman. It gave him reason to smile.

"Have you taken leave of your senses?" the Emperor admonished.

"No, my master..."

The short, darkly cloaked figure kneeled over the body of Clarme Belltop and pressed hands into her chest. He felt the life force drained from her body and shuddered with anger.

The sweetest creature he'd ever known...killed by a monster.

A monster he created. A fitting punishment for his actions, but Clarme was undeserving of such an outcome, such disrespect.

He let Clarme live because he couldn't bring himself to kill her. Vader's lack of restraint made him powerful. The monster had even killed his own women and children. Imagine what he would have been like had he been allowed to live to his full potential.

The Emperor loved the drama and theatrics of it all... but Clarme was above that, a class act. She wasn't like that tawdry Naboo queen or that trampy woman Vader had left slain at the other end of the hall... this was Clarme.

Vader felt the powers of the force, and it wasn't with him. The Emperor called upon it for what he hoped might will the old woman back to life. But why? Who was Clarme Belltop to him? Steadily the old man worked, for several minutes until it was done. Faint, but softened heart beats pattered beneath the Emperor's wrinkled old hands. He turned, then looked at Vader.

"She has been renewed and is sure to survive if she is left here to heal. I will have a med-droid repair the damage to her tissue. But you-" he started.

"My dearest... Palpatine..."

The Emperor turned, hearing the softness of Clarme's voice call him by name...

He kneeled beside her again, staring into her beautiful face. Palpatine the Emperor knew to her eyes he was different now. As hideous as his blackened soul. But he wanted her to live. Had willed her to live so that he'd hear her wonderful voice again.

"My love?" he croaked, in that malevolent voice of his.

Clarme was the only person he ever trusted. The only person he ever respected. And the only person he ever loved.

"Don't worry about me," she coughed. "Do what you can to save [Name] and the little one."

The Emperor bristled. But it was what she wanted. And Palpatine had always given her whatever she wanted.

"On one condition," he said.

Clarme grasped his hand, holding it within hers.

"You will leave with me."

Clarme nodded. But her eyes spoke for him to help her friend first.

The Emperor stood. Vader stepped aside, allowing the master to pass. He watched as Palpatine laid hands on [Name], touching the satin of her slip. He felt the old man's smile and knew he did it to annoy him.

Palpatine muttered and in the force, Vader felt him will [Name] Nafur back to life.
What he didn't know was that Palpatine drained the child within her of his life force, and funneled it into her body.

The child would not be allowed to live.

No son of Skywalker's would ever live.

Were it not for the little one, she'd have long been gone. But the child, fighting for its life, willed her heart to beat a while longer. Softly enough that Vader would not detect it, and now, the little one was dead.

The child would have been strong in the force indeed. Strong enough to destroy the Emperor himself.

The old man smiled. A life for a life, he thought, looking over his shoulder to Clarme's newly resurrected body.

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