Chapter 01 - New case, old face

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Riddhima glanced from the form in front of her to the CBI bullpen outside her office. A small smile graced her lips as three familiar figures worked at their desks. The smile dropped when she took in the empty leather couch & desk behind them. Over a year since he'd left the CBI. Or, more appropriately, over a year since he left her. Still she didn't have the heart to remove the couch. Or his teacup and saucer that she had stowed at the back of the cupboard in the break room for fear of someone using it and breaking it. She chuckled, holding back her tears; he would be more upset about losing that damn cup than he would her. He'd made his feelings clear about how he viewed her in his parting shot. She would never forget his cold stare, the sudden hatred in his eyes that instantly replaced the love she was just getting accustomed to seeing, the trust he had in her shattered that night as they stood in the moonlight as the rain pelted down on them. She blinked a few times, exhaling a loud breath as her desk phone rang.

"Riddhima," she said brusquely, pushing her shoulders back and moving a blank piece of paper in front of her to take notes.

"Hey, Riddhima. It's Detective Morris, SFPD."

"Hey Tom, how's it going? I'm guessing this isn't a social call." She had worked with Morris a long time ago when she was a rookie and he, along with Sam, had helped her into being a better cop.

"My wife wouldn't like it if it was, Riddhima," he laughed.

She smiled in spite of her melancholy mood. "So, what's up?" she said brightly, rubbing a stray tear from her cheek.

"Case here I think CBI should investigate. Janet Walker found murdered couple of hours ago. She was the prime suspect in a murder we were investigating but she's turned up dead."

"Okay, why you are looking for our involvement?"

"Well, the guy who found her body used to work for you by all accounts. Not that he told us that. He's a pain in the ass to be honest. Thought you might want to be involved. If he worked with you maybe you could get him to open up a little more. Like I said, he's treating anyone who talks to him like he's something he's trodden in. I don't know how the hell you put up with him with that temper of yours."

She closed her eyes, her heart thumping in her chest. Morris was about the most patient and even tempered man you could ever meet. Not many people could piss him off. But there was undoubtedly a certain former consultant who could make the Pope want to commit murder if he put his mind to it.

"Vansh Raisinghania, I'm guessing," she replied evenly, belying the frantic beat of her heart.

"You got it in one. So, you want to help us with this one? Even if all you can get are some straight answers from Vansh and then be on your way I'd appreciate it."

Riddhima suppressed a nervous laugh. Vansh and straight answers were somewhat of an oxymoron. She sighed, "Sure, Tom, my team and I'll be there in the morning."

"What about Vansh in the meantime? Want me to cut him loose, get his address so you can look him up when you arrive?"

Riddhima grinned, taking some delight in her next words. " If he's as uncooperative as you say better lock him up in holding for the night. And I wouldn't be all that surprised if he was a flight risk so better safe than sorry."


She walked out of her office and straight to Amit's. After taking a seat opposite him and explaining what she had been told he said, "So, he didn't just disappear into thin air?"

"Guess not," she shrugged. "We'll only be gone for the morning hopefully. Just get him to come clean with whatever he knows and let SFPD take over again. I'd like to help Morris out; he's a good cop and an old friend."

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