Aki x Okiri.(it's rushed I'm sorry)

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"I'M GONNA CATCH YOUUUUU AKI!!" i kept running behind him, going faster. He was laughing and mocking me 'YOU'RE TOO SLOOOOW HAHAHAHAAAAAA". Aki tripped. HE TRIPPED. This was my chance, I went faster and jumped on him "GOTCHA!!" as I laughed. He laughed with me. Then suddenly we heard everyone screaming from the village. 'huh??' I got off of Aki and ran home, stopped running the second I saw the village again. 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚎. And I mean everything. I ran as fast as I could to get my mom, she was lying on the ground, whispering to me "run sweetheart..promise me to stay on Earth..." I panicked and held her in my arms for a bit "Yes mother!!" I stood up, she smiled at me and I ran the opposite direction, worried where Aki went. I looked around, where are you?? He wasn't anywhere!! I couldn't stay, the fire was getting bigger by the second. I keot running and running, eventually I got lost, I looked around, not recognizing any of my surroundings. Shoot. O didn't even see the fire anymore. I sat down, crying. Where am I? Will I ever come back? How will I survive? Does anything want to kill me? Where's Aki? WHERE'S AKI???.
     My eyes shot open as I sat up, breathing heavily. These memories again. Fuck. What time is it? I looked out of a small window, seeing it's light outside. Morning? Good, atleast it's not in the middle of the night. I stood up, stretching. Another day without my family, my village.......my Aki... I shook my head. I have to focus, I need to hunt for more food. Yesterday wasn't really successful, so I can't miss today.
      I grabbed my bow and walked out of the small cottage thing I live in, closing the door behind myself, it's just a few branches tied together, but I call it a door. I started walking to a nearby hill that I love and hid behind it, grabbing an arrow.
      Suddenly something moved behind a tree. I pointed my arrow at it quickly, hm, it was trying to run away. "can't run away from me, creature" I kept my eyes on it, looked so...familiar..I just brushed it off, I'm probably hallucinating again. I kept staring at it, aiming my bow, I haven't eaten in 3 days, I need food, I can't miss. It looked straight at me.   
      Wait..these eyes..I cod recognize these a anywhere. Aki?? I let my bow down, rubbing my eyes to see if that's a hallucination or not. He didn't disappear..I stared at him, unable to move. Is this real? Is this the end? Where was he this whole time? So many questions..He walked closer to me. I tried to wave, still shocked.
      He ran towards me. My eyes teared up, it was actually him, my friend, my saviour, my love.. I ran towards him too, crying. He hugged me so tightly it almost broke all my ribs but I didn't care, I hugged back, extremely happy, both of us sobbing. After finally calming down, I sat down, asked him where he was all this time, we had so much to share...
      I took him to my house thingy, he looked impressed, I didn't know why, turns out he was sleeping under the stars, never learning how to build a shelf for himself. I giggled, he's still the same..
       We talked the whole day, he spent the night with me, and we decided to live together, since we weren't lonely anymore. He taught me how to hunt properly and I taught him how to build stuff. And after a few years, we were a lost elf couple, living deep in a forest, unseen by the outside world, no one bothered us.
       A few months passed and I decided to confess my love to him, even though I don't want to lose him..I slapped myself. Get your shit together, Okiri. The Sun was slowly setting, so I got ready, well more like walked Aki to a nice place in the forest. We sat down, and watched a waterfall, laughing. After a few moments, I cupped his face. He..blushed? I giggled "I love you, Aki" and kissed him, hoping that I won't lose him. He kissed me back?? So he- he likes me too?? I kept kissing him, I couldn't stop, I was so happy....


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