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The first thing she notices is the overwhelming reek of booze that attack her senses the moment she steps into the sorority house. The cheap whiff of alcohol accompanying the odours of students throwing themselves against one another as they danced to the beatless ambient music in the background.

Hyeju almost trips over someone's foot when she hears her name being called from behind.

"Hyeju! Over here!" Jiwoo waves around her hands.

Hyeju makes her way over, muttering small apologies when she accidentally knocks into someone dressing up as Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

"You made it!" Jiwoo, wearing an Olaf jumper, envelopes Hyeju into a tight hug.

She places her stick hands on Hyeju's shoulders and continues, "So glad you're here." Jiwoo's eyes glance over Hyeju's costume, although the invite was on short notice, Hyeju managed to find a decent looking Ace Card costume in time after scouring through various websites to wear to the party.

"Nice outfit by the way." Jiwoo winks at Hyeju.

"Thanks. You too." Hyeju replies curtly.

"Come on, they're all waiting by the sofa." Hyeju glances at the direction Jiwoo pointed at. She sees what looks like a drunken tree straddling on someone's poor attempt at replicating Cruella De Vil. They've even got the staff laying beside them.

Hyeju thinks her vision has gotten worst as she squints her eyes closer to somewhat get a better view, she didn't get to wear her spectacles as it would had ruined the vibe, Yeojin's exact words quoted. Hyeju had to stick with a pair of disposable black contact lenses.

Thankfully, her worry was quickly resolved when she makes out the faces of the couple besides said pair. Hyunjin in god knows what that ridiculously plain costume was (was she a witch? A satanist? Hyeju frankly had no idea) and Heejin dressed up as Cher from Clueless. Hyunjin's disgustingly making lovey dovey eyes at Heejin who's probably talking about Naruto and how Sasuke was just a misunderstood person animatedly. God, Hyeju remembers how she and Heejin had argued over the same topic only a few days ago and how Heejin had dissed Hyeju always being locked in her room playing Valorant when she herself was such a shut-in weeb.

("At least I'm not some shut-in always playing some Fortnite rip-off. That son of a bitch-" Heejin mimics Hyeju's frustrated screaming whenever she played "-always running and gunning. Fucking lucky ass bastard."

"What the fuck? Valorant is not a Fortnite rip-off! Holy shit, the audacity to even compare the two? Bitch, how about you try playing the game and getting run and gun at by some shitty ass Raze."

"Fortnite, Valorant whatever! Po-tae-to Po-tah-to. Besides, I have better things to do than play some children's game."

"Don't you fucking dare say it's a child's game."

Heejin sticks her tongue out, "Oh, you mad I'm right?"

"Bitch, you asked for it." Hyeju grabs the nearest thing she could reach, a remote controller, flings it at the unexpecting Heejin who was only barely able to avert it in time.

Heejin looks behind where the remote had made a small dent in the wall, and then back at Hyeju. She grabs the pillow beside her and lunges herself at Hyeju.

They're both trashing the apartment before Hyunjin came back in the nick of time to stop the both of them.)

As they got closer Hyeju realizes said tree and Cruella De Vil were none other than Jungeun and Jinsol, now face to face with only an inch between them.

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