Vivid Dream

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Dedicated to my bestfriend, the owner of the dream. Thank you for giving me your whole consent. 💖

Soothing, moderate and serene feeling. Three descriptive words that mostly what somebody wanted to have but wasn't able to achieve. What more can this life bring but struggle and pain?

Jane's very tired for the day. Its always like this most of the time and sometimes she wanted to have a rest. A longing for a permanent vacation, away from everything. If only that were possible but due to the fucked up reality, unfortunately, that is what she cannot afford. Yet. She still has a long way to go. More hardships and sufferings, probably another gigantic amount of stress along the way.

She changed her clothes and fall directly to her messy bed. So tired. Very, very tired. Tears left her eyes and the frustration that she kept bottling were overpouring, wanting a release. She just lay in the bed, silently crying and hoping for a tiny bit for her next days or next months to paid off because she doesn't want to live another painful day. Everything stresses her out, adding up her own insecurities in life.

She's hungry but she doesn't have the energy to bother make herself a dinner. I guess its another hungry night for me to sleep in. She tought. She changed her position and lay to her left side, stared at nothing in the air. Then bits and pieces of unwanted memories flashes on her mind. Many regrets and awful feelings started to relish and eat her whole again. She closed her eyes in cringeness for a moment. Always unfair. She looked around her dark room with only dimlit light coming from the postlight, through her window and illuminated the room just fine. Then she laid on her back and look outside the window, to the dark sky. Nothing but a vast darkness. No stars to luminate, just like her feelings. She kept staring until her eyelids became heavy and then she succumb to sleep.

All of her dreams she had instantly became vivid ever since she started having stess again. Most of it are nightmares and lucid dreams. Some of them ended up in sleep paralysis. But this one, is very different of them all.

She walked in to a beautiful, luxurious, high ceiling penthouse with a 360 view of sea of clouds with a bright sun, along with gorgeous skyscrapers. A beautiful crystal drop chandelier at the ceiling, piano near the window, a long cream sectional sofa and a center table.

As she entered beyond the door, her three year old son greeted him. "Mommy", he called. She walked to the sofa where her husband sat while currently staring at her. She sat down and let her son sit on her lap and embraced him. She looked at her husband and said, "Thank you".

Jane felt the genuinity of this dream. She felt at peace. It makes her want to bask in it, savouring this feeling until it lasts before something or somebody take it away from her. She cannot believe that she saw herself prospered in life, with a wealthy husband as she assumed and a handsome child. She never felt the burden of being financially poor compared to what she's used to. This time she was financially secured and she never think of anything but her own family during that time.

"Bailey, if this is another life, thank you. Thank you for showing me this genuine love. Thank you because you love me as I am and for providing a good life that you gave to us.

Thank you. I love you so, so much."

Then he stared at Jane. He gave her a look that he knows she is just a guest in that dream but then the way he looked at her, telling her that he'll wait for her at this very moment of her life like this one.

Then finally he said, "Welcome" while he smiled with a tear that escaped from his eye.

Jane woked up crying with a heavy heart. It felt surreal. So, so true. This Bailey person, who is he? She stared again in the air while thinking about the pleasant, vivid dream that she had. Was this dream another variety of myself from a different universe? But he said he'll wait for me. And he's talking as if he knows. She thought. Upon thinking of what happened, she had another reason to wake up for another days to go. She wanted to achieve what happened to her dream. She wanted a financial security, where in she doesn't have to worry for the bills and rents to pay, foods to eat, and to be able to afford all of her cravings and luxuries. She wanted to posper and live a good life. She also wanted to have her own Bailey in life. Someone who really love her, along with her flaws, edges, imperfections and shortcomings despite the social status. She wanted a beautiful family. Be it an imperfect large or small one, but still her own family. And she wanted to hold on to that.

Dreams may meant nothing sometimes, but some of them gives metamorphical meanings. Some of them felt surreal and made us have these wishful thinking. Nevertheless, this gave her a push. She started to work through her day. This time, with a new resounding hope.

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