The Woods

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You were at Steve's for a party; Steve, Nancy and Robin were hanging out by the pool while you and Eddie had snuck off to smoke one of the joints he had brought. There were a ridiculous amount of people here, some you realized didn't even go to Hawkins High. You had quickly become overwhelmed, and like your usual knight in shining armor, he noticed right away.

He had leaned into you, his breath hot against your ear. "Come smoke with me, princess. You look stressed."

You had nodded, your head slightly fuzzy from the alcohol, but conscious enough to realize you needed it. You stood with his help, your hand firmly grasped in his. His rings were cool against your fingers, one of the most comforting feelings you'd come to know. You had been crushing on him since your freshman year, his bad boy attitude that quickly disappeared into a soft, adorable, sweet guy whenever you hung out had solidified your want for him. You had spent countless hours with the Hellfire Club, at first just observing and then finally joining in your junior year. All for him. It was pathetic in all honesty, you felt like a lost puppy following him around, ready to do his bidding. But something had stopped you from taking your friendship that one step further, both of you afraid of ruining something good. You eventually realized he didn't feel the same way, like he almost looked right through you. Like you were another one of his friends. It broke your heart the day you realized, but you still powered on through your friendship, still crushing immensely hard on him.

You were pulled from your thoughts when you finally made it to the tree line, the sound of the party fading slightly. "Thanks, Eddie." You said as you slumped against a tree, your hand still burning from where he had held you. He lit up the joint, sliding down the tree to sit on the ground next to you, taking a long drag on it before handing it to you.

"Anything for you, sweetheart." He said kindly as you took a hit, the stress from your body immediately relaxing your shoulders.

"Why do you call me that? You only call your guitar sweetheart." You asked, both the alcohol and the weed clouding your brain, finally.

He looked over at you, cocking his head slightly. "What? Sweetheart?" He shrugged, his eyes intently watching as you lifted the joint to your lips again, taking another hit. "Just fits you, you've got a sweet heart. Rough and tough exterior." He gestured to your clothes, tight ripped jeans that almost matched his, a Metallica shirt you had cropped just above your belly button, long dark hair with a soft wave, a resting bitch face that could kill in one glance. "It fits you better than it fits her."

You huffed and rolled your eyes, chuffed with his words. "Oh shut up. You're just trying to flatter me." You nudge his shoulder with yours, both of you laughing. Your laughs died down into a comfortable silence, listening to the sounds of the woods and the slight bump of music coming from behind you. You sighed softly, letting your head fall back against the tree again. "I'm gonna miss this place." You say softly, suddenly feeling gloomy. You left for Chicago in two months, which wasn't very far away, but far enough that visits would be scarce.

"You'll come back and visit though. You've still got your family and I know that most of us will still be here." He said, taking your hand in his again. He intertwined your fingers before squeezing them, causing you to open your eyes and turn your head toward him. "I'm gonna miss you."

You saw the sincerity in his eyes, and it made you sigh and lean your head on his shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you too, Eddie. You're my best friend, how could I not?" Your brain was incredibly foggy now, the weed seeping into your system. It made you feel warm and fuzzy, your skin prickling with goosebumps.

"You cold?" You hear Eddie ask, shaking your head. He lifted his arm so you could snuggle under it, comforted by his touch. You two weren't shy when it came to platonic love, you did cuddle every once in a while. It was usually only while you were watching a movie on his couch, or it was an arm thrown around your shoulder in the hallways at school, never anything beyond strictly friends. It was slowly killing you, and secretly you were ready for a break from the torture. Being around Eddie sets you on fire every time, your body begging for any ounce of affection he'd give you. There were rumors around school for years about the two of you, your soul crushed every time Eddie called you his "best friend". There was even a time he called you his "little sister" and you had to excuse yourself from the group to go to the bathroom and cry. Being in love with Eddie hurt. But fuck, you were a glutton for punishment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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