How it began

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T/W this contains death and possibly gore


A few years ago, this story had its beginning in a land called scarrendale, it was a peaceful land, yet when it was needed the knights fought for their land and stayed loyal to the throne no matter who was on it.

Yet one day out of the shadows arose a man who overpowered all and took the throne, the knights that did not stand by him were killed.

The five knights of the round table gathered together to take down the evil King before more innocent people were to lose their lives to him and his followers.

Two of the knights still had to bid goodbye to their families saying they were to return the latest in three sundowns, otherwise they would most likley not have made it and put their family in danger.

They went on their way, they knew that whatever happened they could not put their lives before the death of the tyrant, their chances in succeding would be slimmer.

The fight was grusome, many died that day, the villagers tried to protest send a message by burning Buildings down yet the knights killed all who dared to try and get to the king.

The knights of the round table had managed to sneek in to the throne room, yet the King, his right hand man and a few more crown guards were waiting for them.

The fight went on for ages before one side came out victorious, the evil King. He had slaughtered all knights of the round table in expense of his crown guards and injuries to him and the head guard, they were the only two left standing that night.

No one was sure what had really happened that day, yet from who had come out victorious it was rumoured the knights of the round table had been killed, but not all hope was lost as no one was sure, there was a possibility they had survived, and the villagers clung to that spark of hope.

One of the round tables knights by the name of Philza had managed to send out a message with one of his loyal crows, his sons had to be warned of the threat.

He had known they couldn't win and make it out alive but atleast the two remaning of his family had to have a chance to survive in something they were not at fault for, those were his last thoughts before he was proclaimed dead, unknowing If his fate had been sealed or not.

Wilbur and Tommy had been waiting patiently for the return of their father and brother yet the only thing they recived was a crow message saying only a few words.

The hand writing clearly belonged to the man they called their father, it was easy to tell the message was rushed.

Wilbur had been alone in his room as the crow knocked against the glass of his window, he was unsure of what to expect, he let the crow in to read the message.

As he hekd the paper in his hands and looked more closley he noticed there was dried blood on it, that didn't ease his fear on what the message might be.

He opened it nevertheless it could be good news after all. He scqnned through the paper his eyes going wide at the words that were scribbled down. "Run hes coming" was all it said.

He quickly grabbed a bag and started packing inportabt things he would need before going to Tommys room to tell him to do the same.

The younger was confused by his brothers behavior, yet he didn't complain, it seemed really urgent so he decided to ask later.

When both had packed their bags they grabbed their horses and left without a trace as to where they would go neither with an Idea as to where to go.

The same day had the head knight set out to find the two with his own horse he made his way out of town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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