[1] eyes interlocking in a passionate fit of romance....

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paul waybright was nothing but your average highschool college student teacher. he was an average guy. average looks, average grades, average achievements and average looks. he knew every girl in his school was way out of his league, but there was a particular one from his english class he just couldn't take his eyes off of.

enter monika schneider, the most beautiful girl in the entirety of saint yippee's college. from her luscious blonde locks to her beautiful deep foresty green orbs, there wasn't a thing to hate about her... in a physical sense. she was the most gorgeous but brutal girl out there, but paul hadn't witnessed that firsthand at the time.

see, he'd transferred not long ago, so he was still getting used to the way things worked in saint yippee's college, he had no clue that monika ruled over the school with an iron fist. he didn't know of the gossip, or the blackmail, he just knew that he needed to strike up a conversation with her or so help him g*d.

paul's stomach twisted into knots as he fidgeted with his pen, taking his seat nearby to where monika would usually sit near the back. just as the bell rang monika stepped through the door and paul's heart pumped so hard he felt like he was at a little german boy music festival (they excited him).

much to paul's relief, monika seated herself right next to him. she was so close! she smelled like the 'tism couture collection of perfumes paul had found out about. he wanted to know exactly what perfumes she liked so he could buy them for her as a gift when they became friends as he was very good at friendships.

paul turned to face monika shakily, who didn't acknowledge him in the slightest. "erm... err... uh... hallo, guten tag, monika. vunderbar day ve are having, ja?" paul said, wringing his hands as he did so. monika raised a brow and turned to face him, which caused his heartbeat to skyrocket. he felt like a little german boy surrounded by pints and pints of delicious yum-yum beer all for him!

"vat ze hell are you on about? leave mich ze fuck alone, ja?" monika laughed at the end, mocking paul's initial statement. immediately his heart dropped to his balls and his mouth hung open in shock. "ich have zeen ze way sie slobbeh all ovah mich und its creepy. kill youself, baldie." were monika's final words to paul before their english teacher trudged in to begin the lesson.

paul couldn't focus, he didn't even want to turn his head to face the giggling and whispering from monika and her posse as he felt eyes all over him. tears stung in his eyes and he curled up in his seat, wishing he could listen to mein chemiclachen romenmancen, his favorite german band, to comfort himself. he was stuck listening to the teacher drag on and on about the fox jumping over the lazy dog, unfortunately.

paul felt nothing but relief as the bell moaned, its sound reaching into the classroom through the crack in the door and wrapping itself around paul's brain, thrusting into it repeatedly, impregnating his brain with the noise. as chatter filled the halls, paul was just grateful for some time to himself, although loud giggling behind him made him furrow his brow and twirl 'round. much to his dismay, it was...

"hey, paulie waulie. hov vas engvish, huh? vas it as vunderbar as sie vas hopen?" monika sang, elbowing her friends in the side as they all laughed along with her.

"ich bin vvery sorry foe virritating you, monika. ich only vished to stvike up ze convezazion." paul said nervously, hoping his little german boy charm would help him out. at least, his mother always told him he had little german boy charm.

"vat ze hell youre zuch a little freak. no german boy charm at all!" monika jeered and paul's heart sank to his little fellas. he didn't have german boy charm after all? well, at least he had blonde boy charm...

"und your ugly blond mop on zat big head ov yours eesnt helping much eisher!" monika said, causing paul's entire heart to shatter into a billion pieces. he couldn't pick up those million pieces und put them back together if he tried, it was so much too difficult. he was distraught.

"ich bin distraught." paul said, "ich bin cannot believe sie would ewer zay such a zhing! zees is... zees is.!" but before he could finish, he ran off, tears in his eyes. his anime girl run was reminiscent of that of a cartoon anime girl.


end of peart 1 hope you enjoyed pleace like and leave a comment for part 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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