Welcome To Forks

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I'm going to loose my fucking mind.

As if it wasn't hard enough to convince mama that I would be fine, my truck just had to break down! And I just got within the city limits not even two minutes ago! My truck had broken down a town over, so it resulted in me having to push my truck for almost 3 hours. That's what I get for hitting the back roads -which, might I add- wouldn't have been any different from the main roads.

I look over to the passenger seat, deciding I deserved a break from pushing. I was covered in sweat and no one ever seemed to choose to drive around this area at all, so there was no asking for help. I hop into the drivers seat (which was considerably easy, seeing as I had to have a hand on the steering wheel and push around the drivers door).

My phone would have been my escape, if I hadn't used it for directions the whole way here, killing the battery. Great. Let's add that to the pile of 'I told you so's that were just waiting to be held against me. Charlie would pick Bella up tomorrow, so it would have been easy for him to of picked me up as soon as my truck had given up.

I start pushing my truck for another 30 minutes before taking yet another break. I sit this time, finally feeling the adrenaline leave my body fully.

I can't keep doing this. Not today.

After good 16 minutes of just sitting there, trying to catch my breathe, wiping sweat off of my forehead, I come to the conclusion. I have to ditch my poor baby. I let out a groan.

After pushing the truck over to the side of the road, I grab all of my necessities, and slamming the door shut. Charlie was going to lecture the ever living shit out of me. And I have to live with him. Oh god. I'm going to live with a cop. Along with his daughter, who hasn't seen me in years.

A good while of walking -and it was very safe to say- that I will not be exploring for a good two-to-three business days. I walk towards what I can only assume to be a secluded home. Which was very modern, especially for a small town.

I hope to god it's not some rich pretentious assholes.

I walk up the driveway, shaking off my thoughts as I go up to the front door. I knock and not even a second later the door opens up.

"Hello? How can I help you?"

I pause, looking at the mans features. He looks like he takes good care of himself. Can't relate. He also looked to be around my age - which could be a good or bad thing, I wouldn't know as of right now- and he was tall. Brown hair and a crooked smile adorned his features.

"I hate to be a bother and all, but my truck broke down a hot moment ago, and I was wondering if I could use your phone," I quickly see him look at me as if I was playing around for a moment before I quickly add, "My phone decided to die in the middle of giving me directions."

"Sure, follow me."

I just know I looked a little shocked, I mean, random girl shows up and you actually decided to let her use your phone. That, or he is actually a serial killer bent on killing stranded girls. Either way, it was a win-win for me.

He shows me to a living room, where I suddenly freeze. Everyone in the room is looking at me. He tells me to wait right here and he goes upstairs to get a phone. I hope.

"Hello," I say, hoping someone will say something instead of staring at me. How can they go without saying anything for so long? Especially to some strange ass girl who showed out of no where?

"Hi, what's your name?"

A short, pixie cut girl asks, finally breaking the silence. Everyone else.... still staring at me. What the hell, do I really look like shit to them or something?

Why is everyone staring at me.... weirdos.

"I'm Juliana Hilton. Might I ask what your name is?"

"I'm Alice Cullen. This is my family, but don't pay any attention to them."

I smile at her and notice that everyone else went back to whatever they were doing. Which looks like nothing. Who just sits in their living room doing-

"Here you go. Sorry, I had lost it in my room apparently."

The boy from the door hands me his phone, which was open on the keypad to type in Charlies number.

"Oh, thank you so much. Ya'll have no idea the trouble you are saving me."

I look down at my wrist, which is where I had written Charlies number on it. Which probably spared me the awkwardness from everyone looking at me, yet again. Quickly dialing the number, I hear it ring twice before Charlie answered.


"Hey, Charlie? It's me, Juliana. My truck broke down and I had to ask to borrow someone else's phone real quick."

"What happened to your phone?"

Uh-oh. He's gonna lecture me, isn't he?

"Don't get mad but-"

"Juliana Fae Hilton, what did I tell you about charging your phone before you left that hotel!"

C'mon! Charlie, it's not the big of a deal.

Before I had to hear his long lecture on being more responsible, I held the phone away from my face, still hearing him scolding me on the other side of the phone and turn to Alice.

"Sorry, he's a tad bit angry that I didn't listen to him."

She just smiles at me and nods, I assume she means it for that she understands. I put the phone to my ear after hearing Charlie go quiet, probably waiting on a response.

"I'm headed that way anyways, so calm your titties. Damn, Charlie you act like this is the first time I've disappeared without a phone on me."

I quickly hang up before Charlie can answer me and hand the phone back to Door Guy. I really need to figure his name out, or he really will just be Door Guy forever.

"Thank you again, but I have to head out. Before he puts a nation wide manhunt on me."

I say my good byes and leave, walking down the road. That was not the best way to end a conversation, I knew that, but Charlie wouldn't have shut up long enough for me to actually leave. And the last thing someone is gonna want is a random girl getting the cops drug to their home.

And maybe, just because I wasn't paying too much attention, it would have been easy to notice that everyone in that house was staring at me from their windows. Maybe they were staring because I had a southern accent or because I had just casually cussed out a cop.

Who knows.


That's the first chapter! I know it's a bit short (too short for my likings anyways) and I promise the future chapters will be longer.

Let me know what you think.

If you have any pointers to help me develop my writing style better, you can gladly point them out to me! It would be much appreciated!


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