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"Why are you being so mean? You're making her cry Kacchan. If you keep hurting her," the green haired boy standing in front of me was visibly scared, shaking as he put his fists up. "Uh- I'll- uh- I'll stop you myself." he stuttered out. Why is he protecting me? The other three boys gave him blank looks before the blonde smiled looking down. The others started showing their quirks. I scooted back from my spot on the ground in fear. I didn't have a quirk and had no way of helping myself. Neither did the green haired boy yet he stood strong, as scared as he was he was still protecting me. "You wanna pretend to be a hero?" Kacchan asked, punching his hand, making a small explosion. "Neither of you stand a chance without quirks, Deku." Kacchan, as I learned, spoke looking at us with a smile. Deku? I think it was? Gasped as the kids ran at us. I stood up pulling him and running as fast as my small legs could go. But it wasn't enough. Deku got most of the hits. I was hit from time to time but it seemed Kacchan was targeting Deku. "Are you okay?" Deku asked after they left. He extended his hand to help me up. He looked worse than I did. "Yes." I nodded. "Are you, Deku?" I asked, taking his hand. "Izuku," he said, helping me up. "Huh?" I quizzed. "My name is Izuku." He spoke and smiled at me. I smiled back. "Nice to meet you Izuku, I'm Y/n." I smiled a toothy grin.

At the age of four I learned that some people have more power than others. But seeing how my friend Izuku stood up for me even when he was scared and knew he couldn't fight on his own, has made me push through everyday. Izuku and I rushed down the street. Me just a step behind. If anything his courage that day pushes me to do better. We stopped at a crosswalk. Izuku was restless. We continued running, both of us panting. That's when we saw the villain. Surely heroes would show up and if they did we wanted to see every moment of it. I am really good at memorizing things. I think it might be a photographic memory or something. We like to watch battles to analyze heroes. Izuku writes stuff down in his notebook while I just memorize every detail, their fighting skills and everything. Izuku gasped, "That's one huge super villain!" Izuku exclaimed. "Imagine being able to fight that thing." I smiled.

The first quirk that showed up was in Ging-Gang (?) City, when an extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that reports of people with powers popped up across the globe. No one knew what was causing these quirks. Before long quirks became totally normal. The world became a superhuman society with around eighty percent of the population having these abilities. The streets looked like comic books as the world swirled with chaos and confusion as a new profession arose above all. It was an age of heroes.

The villain smashed down a service wire (???) Death Arms caught it grunting. As dust kicked out from under him. The crowd that surrounded gasped and congratulated him. "It's the punching hero." I head from the crowd. "No shit." I muttered. "Everyone stay back this area is far too dangerous." Another pro hero Backdraft spoke making a fence like thing with his quirk. "Whoa the rescue specialist Backdraft he'll make sure we're okay." the same guy said. If you were so worried about your safety you wouldn't be standing here stating the obvious now would you? Two guys in front of us started talking but I didn't pay too much attention as Izuku and I made our way through the crowd. Suddenly something went over our heads.(i guess you could say they were in over their heads hahaha i'll stop.) Some girls screamed excitedly as Kamuri Woods rushed into battle. "Oh this is going to be good." Izuku said fangirling. Kamuri Woods shot out his wood at the villain which pissed him off. "It's Kamuri woods!" Izuku jumped excitedly. "He may be new but he's making a big name for himself." he spoke excitedly looking at me. I continued to analyze every precise movement the heroes were making. They were really good at dodging and attacking. I guess dodge ball does mean something. A man next to Izuku spoke, "One look at that dopey grin and I already know what you are, a fanboy!" The man said with the hint of a smile on his face. "Sorta." Izuku admitted. My eyes went back to the battle ahead of us. Kamuri Woods used his special move. The Preemptive Binding Chain Prison. Just as Woods used his special move, a giant female kicked the villain in the face. People started taking pictures. I was too shocked. "Piece of cake for the world's next hottest hero. Hi there everyone." She spoke, turning to the crowd. I would be lying if I said she wasn't attractive. "I'm Mt. Lady and you don't have to worry about this bum anymore." She winked at all of the cameras. "Did you see that kick?" I asked Izuku. "Gigantification, huh, well she's definitely got the looks and attitude to be a crowd favorite. And her quirk is really showy so it'll be hard for her to get around the city much without damaging lots of things. That means, she might not be very...." Izuku kept mumbling as I studied the cracks in the ground. Everything looked yellow for a good ten seconds before it went back to normal. What the hell? Izuku walked over to me. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. "Huh. Oh uh yeah." I said as we left the scene.

Ms. Stone [MHA x Marvel x Fem!reader]Where stories live. Discover now