[Scene 1: A Ruby named Rune warps to "Island Primrose"]

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Rune: Pearl! You said you would warp too! Where did you go?!

(Pearl is not there. Rune is upset.)

Rune: I paid 17 rocks for this?! My tour guide isn't even here!!

(Rune goes over to a large tree and sits down, still upset.)

Rune: UGHHHHH (Rune kicks a Rock) OWWWWWWWW!!!

???: What ya playing?

Rune: (Emotional Damage) The heck-?!


                                                (On Earth, Pearl is panicking)

Pearl: AAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (Pearl is running around the house)

Peridot: Steven. (Peridot inhales deeply) You called me for THIS?!

Steven: Yep! And now... (Steven hides behind Garnet)

Amethyst: (Amethyst comes out of the bathroom) yo guys! Have y'all ever tasted orange juice with toothpaste- Yo, what's up with Pearl.

Pearl: (Pearl is shaking on the floor) I have just lost my first customer.

Garnet: We'll find her.

Peridot: Yeah... Out of the MILLIONS of warps, we'll be able to find that Ruby.

Garnet: *Ahem*

Peridot: What?! I'm being honest!

Jasper: (Jasper busts a hole in the house) Someone called for reinforcements.

Steven: No?

Jasper: (Jasper busts another hole out of the house)

Steven: DOES ANYBODY KNOW HOW TO USE A DOOR?!??!?!??!!?!??

                                                                              (On Primrose)

Rune: Who the heck are you?!

(Rune pulls out a dagger, startled by this new stranger.)

Blue Moonstone: Blue Moonstone! You wanna play a game? (Blue Moonstone jumps down) Tag! Your it! (Blue Moonstone tags Rune and runs away)

Rune: Hey! Wait!

(Rune runs after this strange new gem.)

Blue Moonstone: (Blue Moonstone sticks her tongue out) BLEUGH! You can't catch me! (Blue Moonstone runs into some bushes)

Rune: (Rune runs after) (Grass lits on fire due to the speed she's going at) Oh my stars! (Rune stomps on the fire)

Blue Moonstone: (Blue Moonstone yeets water at Rune from the pond) Hah! Your wet!

Rune: (Rune groans in frustration) Oh your gonna get tagged very soon...

Blue Moonstone: I'd like to see you try! (Blue Moonstone runs away laughing)

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