Reunited kinda

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Before this continues let me catch u up to speed about how ik Adam u guys might know him as the rated r superstar I was 18 when I met him at a live event long story short I had a miscarriage havent talked to him since then I tried to contact him but I don't wanna get into that then edge and lita happen and now he's with vickie my bad married to her and here we r I'm mostly known for my wrestling all around the world 5 championships to be exact"ok he doesn't know ur here so wait for my que ok"jeff said and I nodded then turned to look at the monitor"u know what edge u got something I want but I got something u might not ever get back even if u tired"jeff said and my theme hits deep breaths I skipped out next to Jeff I can hear screaming I smiled I looked at edge and waved he looks shocked to see me Jeff wraps his arm around my waist"I'm pretty sure u remember who this is because im pretty sure she remembers u"jeff said"w-what is she doing here"edge said stuttering"she's here to make sure u play fair"jeff said smiling edge is looking at me like he seen a ghost Vickie is looking at him confused trying to figure out whats going on"u know what Jeff that just gave me an idea how about this tonight for the main event tonight u and ur brother vs cm punk and edge"she said and he nods we returned backstage"hey u can stay in my locker room I really don't trust the divas around here"he said and I smiled"alright that works I'll see u before ur match"I said and he nods"alright see u in about 20 then I gotta find Matt"he said and walks away I decided to look around I feel someone grab my arm I hear a door lock the light turns on and I see edge in front of me"ur not supposed to be here"he said"I can be anywhere I please"I reply to him"come on jay"I cut him off"its Aj to u now if u excuse imma go find Jeff locker room"I said but he gets in front of me"look Aj just be safe I haven't seen u in 9 years"he said"ik because its been 9 years since I had a miscarriage and I havent heard from u since then"I said crossing my arms"don't u think ik that it was the saddest day of my life April ok and I wished I was there"he said trying to kiss me I moved around him"whatever Adam I'm finna go find Jeff nice to see u again"I said leaving the closet I head to Jeffs locker room I sit on his couch"hey u good"he ask and I nod"yea I'm fine just wanna get out of here"I replied he chuckled"ik how u feel about that"he said sitting next to me"hey how r we gonna get under his skin anyway"I asked him and he looked at me"you'll see when we're out there"he replied and I shrugged a couple more mins later its time for his match I have on my shorts and a Jeff hardy shirt on Jeff theme hits he makes his way to the ring with me skipping beside him the bell ring Jeff calls me on the apron"do u trust me"he asked and I nodded he kisses me before pulling away and the crowd goes wild I jump down smiling and the match begins I see the look in edges eyes and he's fuming a couple mins later the hardy boyz win I slide in the ring and hug them both Jeff pulls me into another kiss
(At the hotel)
Jeff shows me to the room"hope u don't mind we're sharing a room"he said leading me into the room and locking it"nah its fine I'm just finna lay down but can u turn around real quick so I can change"I ask and he nods I changed into a big shirt"ok u can turn around"I said and he jumps on the bed and I laughed laying next to him"I mean ik I just met u but ur hella kool to hang out with and kinda cute"he said and I smiled"I have to say the same about u"I replied to him while blushing"hey can I ask u something"he asked and I nodded he was gonna say something but was cut off by a knock at the door

Well thats it for this part who do u think is at the door and what do u guys think Jeff is gonna ask her tune in next time to find out until then peace out (:$: &)

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