Chapter 34- Dad's mafia

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After breakfast, I asked Isabella to take me to mom and dad's room. I just wanted to see their pictures and know more about them. My life would have been so different if they hadn't been faced with the fate that they did.

I saw all the pictures of them. They looked so happy. So content in their own little world. I chuckled when I looked at a photo in which mom was laughing and dad's face was covered in whipped dream.

Another photo was of them standing near a snow man whose one eye was missing and there was snow on dad's hair.

Then I looked at it. A picture of them, in a hospital room, with two new born babies. Dad had one in his arms while mom was carrying another.

Max and I.

The grins that the two of them were showing to the camera was as if they had been gifted the true treasure of life. I sighed and stared at the photo for a long time.

There was another picture of just me and Max, lying next to each other. One of us was sleeping while the other was giving a toothless grin to the camera.

My eyes welled up as I looked at all the photos, one by one.

I went near a drawer and opened it. There was a diary in it. I took it out and opened it to see that it belonged to mom.

I read the first entry in the diary :

16th November, 1997

Dear diary,

We will be graduating in a few months. High school would be over. These four years were the most amazing four years of my life. Mom and dad always had my life planned for me. It never bothered me until now. This is my life. I should have the control of it, not them. They have been really strict with me ever since I was little. I know that they only want the best for me but, now it's getting suffocating.

The only piece of chaos in my 'perfect' life is Andrew. That boy doesn't care about anything. He's always so carefree, mischievous and cheerful. He's just so silly sometimes. But he always manages to bring a smile on my face everytime I see him. I am really worried because after graduation, we might be separated.

Rose and Matthew are just so sweet too. They are the cutest couple for me. Sometimes it feels like, the four of us have a little family of our own. The family That I never want to be separated from.


I read a few more entries in the diary. Mom had mostly written about dad. She had even written about those two traitors. The time gap between the entries was huge so I guess mom didn't used to write in her diary that often.

I skipped the pages and started to read the last entry instead.

24th December, 2004

Dear diary,

After waiting for nine months, I finally got to see my lovely babies. My children are the most precious things that Andrew gave me. It seemed like my life was perfect. A loving husband, a successful company, all the riches- and most importantly, my precious little beans. Both of them have blue eyes, similar to my own.

My baby boy, my dear Kyle, he's just so restless. He never gets tired of playing. And it has become his habit of waking me up in the middle of every night with his loud crying.

My beautiful daughter, my Jennifer, she was so calm. But someone took my little baby away from me. It is every parent's worst nightmare- of finding out that your new born little baby is kidnapped and not being able to do anything about it.

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