𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 | 𝘬.𝘮𝘨

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You rushed down the halls of the packed music bank building. It was comeback season once again, and you were promoting your solo, which therefore meant that you didn't have the comfort of your wonderful members. 

You checked your phone once again and read the previously received message.

I'm on the 3rd floor, just look for the nameplate

You grinned as you read the number of the floor. It had taken a whole leg workout to get there and you really hoped that wasn't for nothing.

3, perfect

He hadn't told you the exact door or any specific directions after the floor so you were forced to cautiously walk down the threatening halls looking out for any signs. Asking a staff member was an option sure, but your reluctancy for social interaction scratched that.

You then stopped in front of one rather, large waiting room, and read the nameplate.


Hesitantly, you opened the waiting rooms door, and were met with a somewhat 'built' figure. His figure was tall and the stage outfit he was wearing accentuated that to the fullest. He completely towered over you and it was lowkey intimidating.

"oh, hello, do you need something?"

"oh, i'm looking for-

"Y/n!" a voice alerted you and you looked past the man and were met with exactly who you were looking for.

"hey soonyoung!"

You pushed aside the tall figure and jogged to the idol sitting comfortably on the couch. Although, hoshi's yell, had gotten the attention of the rest of the seventeen members who were now watching the odd interaction.

"did you bring it?"

"of course of course" you said, then proceeding to do your handshake with soonyoung.You reached into your shorts' pocket, and pulled out a flash drive which you handed to hoshi.

"thank you thank you y/nnie" he said, giving you a side hug.

"alright! i'll be off-"

"hey soonyoung, who's this?" came from a deep husky voice. You both shot your heads towards it and that's when you had a realization.

"oh right! i should probably introduce myself" you reminded yourself, realizing it was very awkward to have you just waltz in to the seventeen waiting room and act all bestie bestie with their co-member.

You turned your body towards the other 12 members who were before doing their own activities but now completely silent, expecting your introduction.

"hello, i'm y/n l/n from the group g/n (group name), nice to meet you" but as you brought your head up from the bow, your eyes were immediately drawn to the tall figure standing in the corner of the room whom you recognized had opened the door earlier. He was giving direct contact, and you had to admit that it was kinda attractive. No, very attractive.

The rest of the members acknowledged you by clapping and bowing back, and you smiled at their response.

"wait, aren't you the person who helped choreographed rock with you?" the maknae in the room said, once again gaining the other member's attention. 

You eyes were locked onto the angelic visuals of the tall member, and weren't really paying attention to the question until you suddenly felt a tap on your back which brought you back to reality.

"oh um yeah" you gave an awkward laugh to hide your embarrassment.

"mhm! my y/nnie is the best!" said the enthusiastic performance unit leader, giving a thumbs up to you and slinging his arm over your shoulder.

"i'm flattered"

But while the whole situation was happening, you could feel eyes watching you intently. You looked slickly over to the tall member and you saw as he immediately broke eye contact. How come he wasn't doing that before?

"oh, hosh, i gotta go!" you said, trying to get away from the tense environment that hoshi had accidentally created. He had the absolute worst social awareness sometimes but thankfully you were there to save both him and yourself.

"right yeah" he said, and took his arm off of your shoulder and sat back down. You then made your way towards the door before you were stopped.

"call me!" soonyoung called out.

"will do!" you said, giving one more wave and then exiting the door.

Hoshi casually continued being immersed in his phone, completely oblivious to the weird and awkward situation. No one's perfect.

You rushed back to your own waiting room and the moment you walked in you saw your panicking manager.

"Thank goodness y/n, ok you barely have 6 minutes and you're on, let's get going"

Your manager led you to the stage before he suddenly stopped. "Ok, you got this, i'll go on ahead to check the stage, you take your time, but at the same time don't because now you have 4 minutes." And with that, they rushed towards the backstage.

You then continued on your way, but slower as you were not really a fast walker. Then suddenly you felt yourself collide into something, rather - someone.

"oh, i'm so sorry" you said genuinely, realizing it was dumb to not look where you were going in a hallway where rushing people were constantly passing. Again, no one's perfect.

"oh no worries" the man said, and as you met eyes with him, you realized he was the one from soonyoung, or seventeen's, waiting room.

"I'm Mingyu, from seventeen" he said, giving a smile, but then quickly turning serious,

"what's your relationship with soonyoung?" he asked and suddenly he sounded like a villain straight from a kdrama.

"we're cousins, i send, basically help him with choreography sometimes, hence the flashdrive. Why do you ask?" you said, forwardly explaining, but then giving a cheeky smile while asking your question. Clearly he was expecting a completely different answer as he cleared his throat and his confident posture was nowhere to be found.

"um it's nothing, are you performing next?"

You replied with a nod and smile, then awkwardly laughing at how quickly he changed the flow of the conversation.

"I'll be watching, 파이팅! (fighting ; you got this)" he said, giving his words of encouragement. Although it seemed like a casual encounter, you were feeling extra pumped for your stage, making sure to do your best. Because now not only was Soonyoung watching, but so was Mingyu, and most likely the rest of Seventeen after both your's and Soonyoung's interaction in their waiting room.

You smiled to yourself, slightly feeling like a simp, but let's face it, you were. You then hurried your way to the stage, with a new found motivation.

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