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Hi people of the wattpad. Jk jk. This is my 1st try at one-shots. Plz no haters. Go eat your hater tots elsewhere! To the story!
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This takes place after the war with Gaia

The 7, and Thalia, had gone to Ireland to find some demigods. Why in Ireland, you ask? Well the mom of the demigods had to move there for work. It was 2 kids. Girl and boy.

Of course they had to take the Argo 2. And of course, Leo and Percy were trying and failing at Irish jig dancing. They also tried to get Frank to turn into a leprechaun. It took Annabeth's threats, Piper's charmspeak, and Thalia's arrows to make them stop.

Once they got there, Leo started getting excited. Too excited, I mean fire came out! As they knocked on the door, 2 kids came around from the backyard. A girl and boy, who looked like twins and were 12 years old.

"What do you want?" The girl asked.

"We are just here to come get you," Percy replied in mock surrender.

"Look, you know the Greek myths right? Well remember demigods? You're one of them and so are we. The Greek gods are real." Annabeth explained. The girl looked at the boy, nodded and said,

"Show them, Ben." They closed their eyes and changed! The girl went flaming and electric, while the boy went full ice form.

"Ummm, Leo, Percy, Jason, and Thalia, I think you guys might wanna take this one." Annabeth announced.
"Leo, Jason, Thalia calm down the girl. Percy, good luck with the boy. Girls, try help anyone. Frank, give us an overhead view." Piper tried to calm down the boy, since he seemed safer to deal with.

Once they were calmed down, more like tied up with ropes of water or metal, Hazel asked, "What are your names?"
"I'm Christina, and my brother is Benjamin. Don't call us that, though." Christina responded coldly. "Call us Tina and Ben. You?"
Piper took the lead,"I'm Piper, blonde superman here is Jason, that's Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Frank, Hazel, and Thalia is Jason's big sister." They seem to calm down more, so Tina and Ben were untied. They came with the 7 and Thalia to the Argo 2.

They headed to Camp Half-Blood. Once they were there, Tina and Ben were claimed at the same time. Tina had a Lightning bolt, and Ben had a Trident. Then another symbol joined their's, Tina with a hammer along with the bolt, and Ben with a snowflake along with the trident.

Everyone was shocked. Everyone looked to Chiron for an explanation. "Christina Meltzer, daughter of Zeus, blessed by Hephestus. Bejamin, son of Poseidon, blessed by Khoine." Everyone kneeled down, even Jason and Percy. "Thalia, Jason, Annabeth, Percy, take the twins to the Big House and stay there. Everyone else, finish your dinner then to your cabins." Everyone kinds milled around, trying to look at the new kids of the Big 3. The Big 3 kids and Annabeth took the twins to the big house, all confused about how it could have happened. Twins, with 2 different dads, yet blessed by 2 opposite gods.
"Chiron, spill now!" Tina demanded once they were there.
"Woah there, Tina, just because you are a kid of Zeus, doesn't mean you can demand answers from a centaur that is 1000 of years older than you. No offense Chiron." Jason responded. Tina didn't reply but sat next to her brother, mad.

"I only know of one other time this has happened. It was during World War II, triplets came to us. We thought they were all children of 1 god. They weren't. The oldest was a child of Hades. The middle was a child of Poseidon. The youngest, Zeus. We figured out that their mother was visited by all 3 gods before she knew she was even pregnant. So we trained them. Benjamin, you shall stay in the Poseidon cabin with your half-brother, Percy Jackson. Christina you shall stay in the Zeus cabin with your half-brother Jason Grace and your half-sister Thalia Grace. Sorry Thalia for keeping you here so long. I hope Lady Artemis will excuse your absence on my behalf. Annabeth, once they are settled, get them weapons." Chiron explained.

"We don't need weapons, sir." Ben announced. "We have our own." They closed their eyes and focused. Suddenly swords appeared in their hands.

"Can we go to bed now? We are really tired! And I'm hungry ." Ben pleaded

"You're always hungry, dumbo!" Tina replied.

"You sound a lot like Seaweed Brain over here." Annabeth announced. "No wonder you guys are brothers!"

Tina and Ben ate, then went to their respective cabins. Thaila left after saying bye to her siblings and Annabeth. Everyone said goodnight and went on bed before they became harpy meat.

So Tina and Ben stayed Camp Half Blood, and train, became really powerful, and pranked Percy and Jason, with the help of the Stolls of course! Whenever Tina's hair was wet, Ben and Percy called her Ariel, and started singing, "Under the Sea" So they got shocked and burned a lot. But mostly shocked. Jason went back to Camp Jupiter, so Tina spent most of her time with either Piper, Annabeth or the Poseidon boys. Annabeth and Tina agreed that Poseidon boys are Seaweed Brains. But Tina would call Ben, Jack Frost. Tina earned the nickname Hothead. Since she was like Leo, she sparred with him more often then not. Or she fought with sparred with one of the Poseidon boys. Annabeth and Piper maybe. Leo called them "Double Trouble Leprechauns" but not for long. Leo went missing for a few hours, then he was found in Bunker 9, hiding. Ben once made the mistake of asking Annabeth if she had a belly-button. He hid in the Zeus cabin cause Percy wouldn't protect him from Annabeth. He came out for dinner and capture the flag.

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Yes! Finally finished it! That last sentence made the whole thing 1000 words.

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