Down By The Rosebush. By McKenzie Brunswick

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The sun was high

The air was warm

The ground was soft

From where she sat

Down by the rosebush.

There was only one

Blooming bright and red and full

It looked so delicate and alone

And so was she from where she sat

Down by the rosebush.

Deep in the woods

The prince rode fast

His steed black as ash

He came to a stop when his eyes spotted her

Down by the rosebush.

He asked her of her name

To which she did not answer

She only smiled politely

And gave a small bow

Down by the rosebush.

He took his leave

When she would not speak

But something that never left his mind

Was the young girl who sat

Down by the rosebush.

He came by week after week

Trying to ask her of her name

But she only smiled and gave a bow

His visits never ceased to the girl who sat

Down by the rosebush.

He thought of her often

Of her hair the color of wheat

Her eyes the color of the dirt

Upon which she sat

Down by the rosebush.

She thought of him often

Of his hair black as night

And his eyes blue as the sea

But she kept silent and continued to sit

Down by the rosebush.

It had been three years

Of the prince visiting the girl

Of the girl smiling and bowing

And never moving from where she was

Down by the rosebush.

There came a day

Long down the road

When something happened

To the girl who sat

Down by the rosebush.

The prince rode by

On one of his visits

And saw the girl

Who was now laying

Down by the rosebush.

When he told her to wake

She did not stir

She did not smile

She did not bow

Down by the rosebush.

He dismounted his horse

And stroked her hair

He'd never again see

The brown eyes of the girl

Down by the rosebush.

He came back with a shovel

And dug a long hole

He kissed her softly

Saying he'd always love the girl

Down by the rosebush.

He buried her there

Where the sun was high

Where the air was warm

Where the ground was soft

Down by the rosebush.

From then on

The prince laid roses

Atop her grave

And he then became the man

Down by the rosebush.

He never left again

He stayed sitting on the ground

And after a long year

They met in another life

Down by the rosebush.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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