Coming Clean With Their Love, The Cave & The Necklace

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Previously on Chakram Reborn:

Beth (Upset): Don't tell me that you and my dad slept together!

Kira (Tears flowing down her face): We never meant for it to get that far, Beth. We both were grieving over your mom. Jim lost the love of his life, and not only did I lose my sister, but my best friend also. It was a moment of weakness, one that we swore we'd never do again.

Beth (Shocked): I don't know what to say! I need to process this all.

Kira: Take all the time you need; just promise not to tell Sydney and Xena yet. This will crush them.

As Beth confronts Kira and Maria:

Maria (angrily to Beth): Yeah, I do have feelings for your dad! I've always had. I loved him before Zara fell for him. I just couldn't stand seeing the man I loved fall in love with my best friend! So I joined the Army to escape the fact that I couldn't have him. But now! I want what should've been mine!

Kira (Angrily getting in Maria's face) Stay away from him and my family!

Maria (Angerly): Hear we go! Kira "Holier than thou" Papas being judge and jury over me and anyone else who she can't stand! It's not going to work this time!

Jim (Walking in, noticing the fight between Kira and Maria): Hey! What's going on here!

Kira (Yelling at Maria): Leave my family alone! (Maria then pushes Kira into Jim's desk. Kira knocks Zara's urn down)

Jim (Frantically flying to the floor, catching the urn) NO! (Jim catches the urn in time, gets up, holding it tightly as tears roll down his face) It's ok, Zara! I couldn't save you then, but I got you now!

Beth (Pushing Kira and Maria outside) How dare you two come in my dad's place and almost destroy my mom's urn!

Kira (In tears) I, I didn't mean it, Beth!

Beth (Angerly) Save it! (Looking at Maria) You! You're never getting with my dad! Never! Ever! It's not going to happen! Back off! (Looking at Kira) And you! (Running her hands through her hair, she starts to breathe heavily)

Kira (Worried about her niece) Beth, honey! Are you ok? (Beth's facial expression changes as it becomes mean, evil in a way. Beth then starts breathing heavily as her eyes become a different shade of hazel. Maria starts to grab her stun gun, but Kira stops her) Beth?!?

Beth (In a different tone of voice) Get out of here! Both of you!

Maria (looking out of her unmarked squad car, watching Jim and Kira confessing the fact that they had grief sex): Grief sex, my ass! She seduced him! You better watch yourself, Kira! I'm coming after you! You won't know when it'll happen, but you better watch yourself.


Opening Scene: Clothes are scattered on the floor of Jim's bedroom floor as the scene now pans to Jim and Kira blissfully lying in his bed, in each other's arms. Jim kisses Kira's forehead and says, "That was great!"

"Yeah, it was!" Kira says as she kisses Jim, then gives a worried look.

Jim looks at her seriously and asks, "What's wrong?"

"I think it's time we tell Sydney and Xena about us," Kira says. "Beth already knows about what happened so long ago, and with her relocating down here for her first year of residency, I just want to come clean with everything."

"Are you afraid that Beth will tell them?" Jim says.

"No! She won't say a word. She promised me she wouldn't. She wouldn't break her bond with her sisters over this. She loves them too much." Kira says. "But I do think it's time Sydney and Xena should know about us."

"You're right," Jim says seriously as he holds Kira in his arms. "I'm just afraid of their reaction, you know, about everything."

"I am, too," Kira says. "Despite us and what happened so long ago, I've always protected them and had their best interest at heart."

"I know, you've always had to," Jim says. "You're practically their mother." Jim looks off into the distance, then says, "I'm just worried about what they'll think about the whole thing, what happened, what's happening now, and what they'll think of us."

"Well, we can't keep this a secret forever, Jim," Kira says. "We need to tell them."

"You're right," Jim says. "Tomorrow, I'll have Sydney and Xena come over, and we'll tell them." Jim and Kira passionately kiss each other, then start to make love to each other as the sun sets over the Sedona sky.

The next day, Maria climbs to the top of the cliff, looking over Sedona. She unhooks her harness, takes off her backpack, takes a huge breath, and says, "Wow! It's been a long time since I did that!" She stretches a bit, feeling the aches and pains of her age, and says, "Gotta remember I'm not a teenager anymore." She looks around and says, "Wow! It's still beautiful as ever!"

Maria walks around and looks at the beautiful waterfall, "It still looks gorgeous as ever!" Maria says, smiling. She sits down at the edge, admiring the view. She looks up at the sky and says, "Remember we used to come up here and talk all day, Zara. You got me through a lot of things in my life. I'm forever grateful to you for getting me out of the shit show of a family that I had. Without you, I'd probably be dead somewhere. You changed me for the better, and for that. I'm forever grateful. I just wish I could've made it up to you; you know before you died." Maria then gets up and looks into the cave. "Ya know, I've never really explored this cave before. I've always been scared too." Maria looks into the cave and says, "Oh, what the hell."

Maria grabs a flashlight from her backpack and walks into the cave. About fifteen minutes later, she comes to both openings of the caves. She walks into the one on the right and sees an old lantern, looks up, and notices another opening connecting each other. "Oh yeah! This is where Xena fought that evil entity posing as her stepmother! I remember reading about it in one of Gabrielle's blogs!"

Maria walks out of the cave and into the other one. She shines the flashlight around, noticing the handcuffs chained to the wall. "This is where that crazy woman held Beth, Sydney, and Joxer hostage!" Maria says with an excited look on her face! "Wow! I need to read more of Gabrielle's blogs! It's like I'm viewing the story, but in real life!" Maria shines the flashlight around the cave, looks down, and sees the necklace. She kneels down, staring at it with awe. "What is this?" Maria questions as she picks it up. The necklace glows at her, and she becomes mesmerized by its beauty. "This is beautiful!" She examines its condition and says, "It's in pretty bad shape. But with a little work, I can restore this to brand new." Maria smiles and then says, "I'll do it! I'll restore this necklace myself! It's been a while since I restored jewelry, but I think I remember how too!" Maria puts the necklace in her shirt pocket and then leaves the cave.

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