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You stop and take a minute to catch your breath. That was a really intense performance. The crowd gathered around you, goes wild and cheers on you. You grab your speaker, and start walking to the next spot, when a car stops beside you and some people get out of it. You don't pay much attention to it, and continue, when someone grabs your arm and pulls you back, inside of a small circle. They start up a chat, asking you questions about your private life, someone even trying to get your address. You try to back away, searching for escape, but they won't let you. They get closer and closer and then... They pin you down...

The only thing left of you is a pile of bones, but even some of that is missing, because some people took that for souvenir, so a part of you will be with them forever.

Even if the city won't remember you, atleast people will forever hear that chewing sound. And your name really went big! In the news. "Local busker, eaten by attention hungry fans"

How is that saying? Oh right. Fame devours you. Sometimes maybe literally.

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