Just Friends

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I sat with my legs crossed underneath me on Cole's couch as we watched some dumb horror movie, as usual. Dylan and Ryan were snuggled up on one end, Wren was lying on the floor, Cole was sitting in an armchair, and I was on the opposite end, texting. I had to look past Dylan and Ryan's gross PDA to actually see the TV, and I knew Dylan was being like that on purpose, she always flaunted her relationship. So instead of trying to watch a movie I didn't care about, I was texting Isaac. He was my best friend, but unfortunately, he didn't get along well with my other friends, so he wasn't invited to our movie nights.

"Essie?" Cole whispered loudly from across the room. "Who are you texting?"

I felt myself blush a little. I had a slight crush on Cole. I knew it was dumb, because you could feel the sexual tension between him and Wren whenever they were flirting, but still, a girl can dream right?

"I'm texting Isaac." I whispered back.

Cole rolled his eyes, annoyed, and continued to watch the movie. I sighed and went back to my conversation with my friend.


What movie are you watching?


idk, something about an exorcism


sounds creepy


yeah, probably, I'm not actually watching it


Why not???


Cuz I'm texting you- duh!


Well stop it and hang out with your friends

I slid my phone into my pocket, choosing not to argue. I looked past Dylan and Ryan's... whatever they were doing. The movie was horribly boring. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the movie was about, but Isaac told me to stop texting him so I might as well do what he said, because he was my best friend.

At some point during the movie Wren joined me on the couch and not too long after Cole followed. I was squished on the end as they cuddled. I was the awkward fifth wheel. I wanted to leave and go home. Go home and sleep. But I couldn't drive.

Well, I could drive, but my parents had not given me a car for my birthday a few months ago so I was forced to drive their cars. Unfortunately, they needed both of their cars that night and I was forced to ride with Wren. I was uncomfortably awkward as I attempted to watch the movie past the sea of people. Cole shifted away from Wren so that his head was leaning on my shoulder. I felt myself blushing and tried to focus on the movie.

"Essie," he whispered, "Why are you sitting like that?"

I looked down at him and noticed he was twisting my hair around. "Like what?"

He moved himself again so his head was in my lap. "So, uncomfortably." He smiled at me with that signature smirk of his. I was sitting up straight not even remotely comfortable. "Get comfortable."

I sighed, knowing he wouldn't shut up until I did as he said. I pushed him off of my lap and extended my legs across his body and laid back against the couch. Cole mimicked my position by laying his head on my stomach. Wren sat up from where she was laying and looked at us funny.

"How come I can't be in the middle?" Wren asked. Cole chuckled and got off the couch so she could sit in the middle. "Hey Ess!" She squealed as she squished up next to me.

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