In Your Darkness Comes Light

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In your darkest dreams; your nightmares become a reality, only to make a kiss of darkness as the dusk has fallen...
Your Darkest Dream's; soul kissed by the devil, only to realize he turned your life upside-down... creating a world of chaos and darkness shall arise from the ashes of the pit of doom from hell...
Darkness arises while ashes and flame reignited; only to see you've been marked by the devil, soul kissed by demon souls and darkness set's in...
Currents of rushing waters; A darkness consumed me... Only to be healed by the God himself....only to be soul kissed by the light...
Light beats darkness; but you still have no choice, but to be soul kissed by the devil.... Shadow kissed...

Soul Kissed By Darkness Poetry Book by Kaylyne Hayford (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now