In your darkest dreams; your nightmares become a reality, only to make a kiss of darkness as the dusk has fallen...
Your Darkest Dream's; soul kissed by the devil, only to realize he turned your life upside-down... creating a world of chaos and darkness shall arise from the ashes of the pit of doom from hell...
Darkness arises while ashes and flame reignited; only to see you've been marked by the devil, soul kissed by demon souls and darkness set's in...
Currents of rushing waters; A darkness consumed me... Only to be healed by the God himself....only to be soul kissed by the light...
Light beats darkness; but you still have no choice, but to be soul kissed by the devil.... Shadow kissed...
Soul Kissed By Darkness Poetry Book by Kaylyne Hayford (Complete)
PoetryThis book is about Dark Love, Soulmates, and Darkest Dream's. And possibly complete darkness in my poetry as well. It'll be so dark you'll be hooked on this book. (Book #1 of Soul Kissed By Darkness)