Chapter 1

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Spring Reveals All

A/N: This is my second fanfic ever!!!!! If you have read the Throne of Glass then get your butts over to my other fanfic: The Awkward Dance Competition! Only after you finish this one of course ;) Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Virals! Kathy Reichs does! If I did, I think Ben and Tory would be married with kids 10yrs into the future by now...

*** Tory's POV ***

I was not a happy bunny this morning. Understatement of the century.

I had woken up with horrible, aching sensations 'down there'. The thing was it wasn't even 'that time of the month' yet. Enough of obvious hinting.

If you think that was bad, imagine my delight when I looked at my clock and realised I was running late. So late that I had to miss breakfast (you can't call a piece of toast breakfast) and sprint to catch the ferry. Oh the pain.

Really not a happy bunny.

I was currently being questioned on the boat by my fellow virals as to why I'm so late.

"Tory what's gotten into you? Did you oversleep because you were out late with Jasooon? Awww kids grow up so fast!" This as I'm sure you've guessed, was Hi.

"Hi. Really? Just shut up I'm not in the mood." For some reason he was getting on my nerves more than usual.

"Alright! Take a chill pill Tory!" Hi said with over-exaggerated 'calm down' motions.

Shelton snorted. "Who the hell says 'take a chill pill' anymore?"

"FYI, the great Hiram does." Hi retorted pointing to himself. This banter carried on but I blocked them out. My 'stomach' was getting worse. I shifted in my seat to try and get more comfortable but winced when I was forced to bend forward as the boat rocked.

My hand reached to my abdomen. As if that would help.

I felt someone's gaze on me. I looked up into the concerned eyes of Ben Blue.

I gave him a small pained smile.

He got up and crouched in front of me. "Tory are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." He asked in that quiet, baritone voice that only he has. I felt a slight blush heat up my cheeks. My other two friends were still bickering in the background.

"I'm fine, my stomach just feels weird. There isn't much you can do about it anyway." I answered sticking as close to the truth as possible without using the word 'cramps'. I didn't really think he needed that bit of info being a guy and all.

He reluctantly moved back to his seat but he was still watching me carefully.

I internally sighed. It was sweet that he cared but couldn't he tone down the over-protectiveness? I suffered in silence for the rest of the journey.

----- At School -----

My weird 'cramps' were getting worse. I tried not to let the pain show on my face as every step caused another aching twist.

I practically launched myself at my seat when I finally got to first period English. I don't know how I took in a word of what that teacher said.

--- Following Lesson ---

I found that walking was becoming painful. Why me? Come on Tory, just to the end of the corridor and you can sit down! Sitting down never sounded so good.

Why was I talking to myself you ask? Desperate times call for desperate measures people.

I was seeing spots by the time I got to my seat. Thank God we were watching a movie in this lesson! I don't think I could concentrate on the teacher if I tried.

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