The View from Here

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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Neighbor!Reader

Wordcount: 1372

Warnings: drunken flirting, awkwardness, hangovers, lots of fluff

Summary: Reader locks herself out of her apartment when she comes home drunk, and her handsome neighbor comes to the rescue

Summary: Reader locks herself out of her apartment when she comes home drunk, and her handsome neighbor comes to the rescue

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Stumbling up the steps to your apartment, you struggled to stay upright. Your wobbly legs refused to cooperate, ignoring your grumbling pleas that they just make it a few more steps.

When you finally cleared the second floor landing, you let out a little cheerful chuckle, holding your fists up in victory. The floor swayed beneath you, and you found yourself tumbling to the side.

Your shoulder connected with your neighbor's door, or at least you thought there may be a neighbor there but you never saw anyone leave or enter the place.

"Sorry!" you called, waving a hand in apology at nobody.

You got to your feet and leaned against your own door jam, and a groan of annoyance left you as you realized you left your purse and keys in your friend's car.

Luckily your phone was still in the pocket of your jeans, so you whipped it out and drunkenly squinted at the screen as you texted her.

Frgt keys purse. Need keys dude.

She lived down the street, and no doubt was already in bed from the time it took you to stumble up the stairs.

The clicking of a door behind you made you yelp in surprise, and soon enough you landed heavily on your ass in front of your apartment.

"What the hell is going on out here?" a voice came from above. You smacked your lips drunkenly and dragged a hand down your face.

"Look, dude, I'm not having a great night," you mumbled stupidly. "If you could yell at me tomorrow for waking yo-."

The words died in your throat as you saw your neighbor for the first time. Dressed in only a pair of checkered pajama pants, he glared down at you with his hand on his hip.

He had fuzzy, bed-rumpled hair and a bit of stubble along his jaw. With those golden hazel eyes and crook of his annoyed brow, you couldn't help yourself.

"Wow, you're really pretty."

The man blinked slowly, and then burst into laughter. He clutched his fuzzy naked tummy, and all you wanted to do in your alcohol-fueled haze was run your fingers through his happy trail.

"And you're really drunk," he chuckled as it died down. "Do you need help up?"

You shrugged and blew a raspberry with your lips, "I left my keys in my friend's car. This stoop is my bed tonight."

He opened his pretty pink lips, then snapped his jaw shut. Glancing back into his apartment, he sighed, then looked down at you again.

"Stay right there," he told you, disappearing into the dark foyer that probably looked a lot like your own.

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