Chapter 1: Year 7

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I took my first step into my secondary school. For some reason I say to myself "This is gonna be so fun" or "Great a fresh start" How very wrong I was. First lets discuss my appearance. My semi-long hair was unruly, almost going over both my eyes, my top button of my shirt done up (the uniform doesn't have a tie), my shirt tucked in with my trousers pulled up to my nipples. I had a HUGE backpack on with a pencil case stacked to the brim full off stationary. I stuck out like a sore thumb.

School hadn't started so a bunch of new year 7's were just hovering over by the front doors. They seemed quite "cool". They all had Adidas and Nike shoulder bags and a stylish haircut so my stupid brain thought "You know what? Lets speak to those cool kids, Ill probably fit in wont I?" I walk up to them my huge bag swinging and rattling as i go along because i didnt make the straps tight enough  

They were all huddling together, so i pushed in to hear what they were saying. One guy said "I am so fucking nervous" This was the first time i heard a swear word casually used. I gawped at the guy. Another much bigger guy said "How can it be possible for you to be such a pussy on the first day of school" The other guy didn't seem to care. "Why are you staring at me you gay prick" He noticed me looking at him, so i abruptly apologized with a small "sorry". I felt really intimidated by this even though I didnt even know what "gay" "prick" and "pussy" meant.

So i told myself to stay away from these guys. I just spent most of the day trying to work hard as possible. Im gonna be honest, i was not clever. I wasnt stupid but i was very immature.

That was my most vivid memory from year 7.

After the first day i thought things would get better. After a week I wanted to leave already. I set my self a task. I will try to talk to EVERYONE in my year so there might be a small chance of finding friends, apart from the kids from my primary school who i purposefully don't keep eye contact with.

Months went by so i lost all hope and just came home and cried myself to sleep. WHY AM I SO HATED i ask myself all the time. I WANT A FRIEND. JUST ONE PLEASE.

And boy they hated me.

Or did they.

Until the very end of the year, basically less than a month left I met the people that would probably be with me for the rest of my school career.

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