▪︎■ 16 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

She was on my mind the whole time I went home. She was on my mind when I sat inside a meeting. She was on my mind when my injury hurt again. She was on my mind when I took a cold shower. And when I touched myself to get rid of the evidence from earlier.

"Adrin, a package just arrived. It's for you," Nico announced after entering my office. I didn't raise my head, instead I tried to continue working.

"Just put it on my desk."

He sighed and I just knew he rolled his eyes at me right now. I saw his hands in my peripheral and quickly the package followed.

"It's from Ms. Moreno."

Now this caught my attention, so I raised my head for the first time and looked at Nico with furrowed brows.

"You horny fucker, you really need to get laid." He raised his brows.

I stared at him, unamused. "I would shut it, if I were you."

He laughed. "Sure, brother." His face turned serious again. "Anything else you need, boss?"

I knew he respected me and it was honestly refreshing to have someone around that knew me quite well but still wasn't really scared of me. Most of the time, at least. These were the only reasons why he could get away with his foul mouth directed at me.

"Besides needing you to fucking shut it, organize more guards for the estate. In front of all the entrances and all around the place. Jiménez is way too quiet for my liking."

Nico nodded. "Sure thing, don, will do. I'll leave you to your pussy whipped self now. Or even better; I could stay and you open that thing so I get to know what the vixen send you. Did something happen?"

He was way to enthusiastic now and I knew- when he was like this, his interest was greater than it would have been good for anyone around. Nico reminded me of a fucking dog that was wiggling his tail in anticipation of a treat.

"Just give me the knife," I answered, ignoring his question.

He eyed me suspiciously. "Why? You want to kill me?"

I grabbed the cup of coffee from my desk and took a sip, then answered the younger man. "Gladly but I also need it to open the package."

He seemed a little relieved and I almost grinned, amused that his seemingly fearless self had it's amusingly weak moments.

"You didn't answer my question... Is it true? Did something happen??"

"Nico," I warned because he was getting on my nerves. The man handed me the knife and I reached for the brown package on the table.

"Can't blame a right hand for wanting to know some things about their boss. Until you get Jiménez, there's nothing entertaining going on... Not even one little teensy weensy war... It's depressing, honestly!"

"You're way too thirsty for blood, Nico," I answered.

"First of all, you can be way worse and second of all, you're thirsty too. Currently not for blood exactly, but you know... Could say the same thing about you. Not doing it, of course."

"Mio dio... One further word and I will use this knife on you."

He shut up and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I cut through the tape on the cardboard and opened it. Inside were a bottle and a little note. I stopped in track when Nico leaned over to catch a glimpse. I stared him down until he apologetically raised his hands and backed away one step.

My hand grabbed the bottle and took it out of the package together with the note.

"It's Whisky..."

"I can see that, Nico."

"I meant 'she knew you liked Whisky'... I was just surprised. What's inside the note?" He answered.

I took the little paper and opened it.

'I hope you still like Whisky...' was written on it with hand lettering.

I scoffed and took another look at the bottle to inspect it even more. The bottle was old and expensive, not my favorite kind of Whisky though. I definitely prefered other brands and usually I wouldn't even look at it when purchasing it on my own. I rose out of my seat and walked down to the minibar. After grabbing a glass I returned to my office chair and opened the bottle. Nico watched my every move with a somehow irritated look on his face. I didn't bother his thoughts, which were so prominent on his face you could practically read them off his expressions.

I poured myself a glass and sceptically took a sip.

"And? How is it?" Nico asked, knowing I didn't like this kind of Whisky.

"Tastes as shitty as ever," I answered truthfully while placing the glass on the desk.

Nico's expression twisted into a grin and he lightly shook his head while looking up to the ceiling. As if he thought 'I can't believe this man'. Then his eyes fixed themselves on me again.

"Well, not so whipped overall, I guess. I'll have to go now... I mean not everyone can sit inside their office all day, savouring some deadly expensive alcohol while philosophizing about life. Some of us chose the wrong path and have to get our hands dirty for our money..."

Oh, how I would get my hands dirty with your blood right now...

My hand went down to my side and I drawed my gun. Quickly I turned off the safety and aimed at his head.

"Three..." I began, counting slowly.

His eyes were widened. At first he didn't know what to do with himself, then he realised what I would do if I ever got to zero, so he visibly panicked. All to my amusement.

"You wouldn't shoot me," he said trying to sound confident.

"Two..." I raised a brow.

Hastily Nico turned around and stumbled to the door, opening and almost fully closing it after he got out of the room. "One..."

"You're fucking crazy!" He yelled through the little slit he left with the door slightly opened. My eyebrows rose and I pulled the trigger, aiming at his head. He ducked down and cussed when the bulled ditched him.

"Crazy! Fucking crazy! You asshole, aim better next time if you want me to shut it!"

Another shot next to his ear and he finally closed the door and left me alone. In peace. I never missed my target, so I definitely hadn't intended to hit him with the bullets. Even when I sometimes wanted to kill the fucker, I somehow liked him. He gave me the backlash I needed sometimes. But also lots of headaches, unfortunately.

I pulled the glass towards my body and raised it to my face. After another flicker of my eyes to the note and a critical gaze, I took another sip.

Maybe it's not that bad after all...

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