1-Family introductions

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Andra-The second young mermaid daughter of A she has a purple shirt and purple bottom pants to match she even has purple bras in the middle of herself under her shirt she doesn't know that she's a princess since she has a purple crown on her hair that looks similar to her mother. She is really nice and is a young princess she's the niece of Ariel A  A A A  and Alana

Ala-The fifth young mermaid daughter of Alana she has a purple shirt and purple pants she's a princess like her mom and wears a pink tiara on her blue hair that's really small like her mom she loves talking about her looks and like her she isn't by any means selfish or vain she enjoys the tambourine and is really shy ! She loves pink
She is the niece of A A A A and Ariel

Ee-The popular blueberry princess daughter of the terrible Queen aka (Q'G/The evil witch) she loves Snow White and doesn't hate her unlike her mother who can't stand her she has a magical mirror for her pocket she is very beautiful and smart she isn't really evil she's really friendly !

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