the pre prologue: the start of the hate nsfw

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Character so far

Jinn: the father

Jin: the son

The mom well the mom and the start to everything that is going to happen

The setting we're in is an old house unsuspecting of the hell that is going to break out in just time but for now we follow a 13 year boy with brown skin a Mexican boy his name Jin hexian and he was unusually tall for his age he was about to awake up the poor soul yawning the boy would slowly wake up to a world that would change everything he had know "mommy and daddy are probably awake" said jin happy ready to start the day he then would walk to the living room and would eat breakfast alone very unusual for him but they must be still asleep "haha mommy has always been a sleepyhead and dad was probably at work" said jin eating his breakfast "oh  well I could go wake them up if I can" said jin unsuspecting of what is going to happen Jin would then would start to head to his parents room and before he got any closer he would hear strange noises the type that sound like his mom was in trouble Jin would start to run to his parents room suspecting the worse but what he saw was worse


             ⚠️abit of nsfw ⚠️

"Ah mmm~~" said what sounds like his mom but a bit more higher pitch then his mom "Oh yeah take it you *muffled noise*" said jins mom? "YES MOMMY PLEASE FU- *muffled noises*" said a random women Jin would get start to feel sad and tears fell down with out him noticing but Jin rubbed them off and ignored it "M-MOMMY ARE Y-YOU OK I AM GOING M-MOMMY" said jin for some reason tearing up now horribly  "OH SH*T MY SON~" Jin's mom sound muffled in pain what Jin thought " M-MOMMY I AM COMING TO R-RESCUE YOU" Jin's voice was cracking and higher pitch "JIN DONT COM-~" Jin's mom was cut off by Jin going inside "MOMMY ARE YOU OK-" Jin was cut of by seeing his mom and another women naked in bed holding each other "mommy what are you doing" Jin asked with some sort of aura starting to form not one that was good that was for sure "HONEY OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO OPEN THE DOOR" Jin's ex-mom said standing up naked with her saggy tits flopping looking like raisins (how you wonder well breasts feeding ofc) "don't worry mom it's ok I will get out" Jin said calmly with out a bit of worry he had before "H-HONEY ARE YOU OK?" Jin's ex-mom said getting worried looking at her tall son "of course mother why wouldn't I be anyway well stay still real quick" Jin in a flash would tie up both ex- mom and the other women and others as well multiple women hidden with a knot he learned from boy scouts one they can't break to Easley no that would be to much mercy for whores now "WHAT THE HECK SON HOW DID YOU-" The whore was smacked quite "don't worry whore you and your friends will get what you deserve (:" Jin said now the aura every strong then before one that could even paralyse even goku and Saitama the most strongest people would be paralyzed by the stair he had "h-how dare you c-c-call me that I am you mo-" the whore tried to say but was cut off with a toy getting thrown at her "YOUR NOT MY MOTHER WHORE" Said jin loudly it could even wake up Cthulhu "now then back to what I was doing" Jin said calm and slowly walking to the kitchen and grabbing the knife with serrated edges and Walking back "now whore tell me why would you do this" Jin was expressionless but a sing song voice came out  "W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN AND I AM NOT A WHORE I AM YOU MO-" said the whore was pretending to be his mother "WORNG ANSWER" Jin would take the knife and wake one of whores "Huh where am i-" said the whore "hi miss I am going to kill you your dead you have no escape (:" said jin in a sadistic sing song voice" WHAT?! DO YOU-" tried to say the whore but was cut off by the knife going down her throat and sliced open her neck "shut up will you (: " Jin said in a sing song voice Jin would do the same every single person in the room but would leave the whore who was pretending to be his mom " J-Jin" was all the whore could mutter out " don't worry I won't kill you yet that's my dad's job" Jin said happily covered in blood " dad was always my favorite " Jin said imaging a picture of his dad who was not a masculine man but a very feminine looking man "oh that explains alot actually well anyway to stop you from yelling for help I will cover you mouth" said Jin who would then stuff his mother's mouth with orgens form the whores.

how jinn looks like bc yes

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how jinn looks like bc yes

Else where we see a person who is thick but small chested getting starred at by many men and one trys to stop the person but they're kindly reject them but the man looks like he was told something wonderful he was happy just to meet this person we lets see who it is, *sigh* my name is Jinn James hexain I am 16 and I am what you would call a femboy I live with my wife who is 16 as well we where a test experiment to see how young someone can conceive a child and that's how my son Jin who could be my little brother but we don't worry about that. My pride and joy was born, but now that I think about it oh my what In the name of pedophile well what ever I can't tell why but I remember one time I told my son that if one day my wife would cheat on me tie her up and leave her to me well I said it as a joke but we'll what ever I just got out of work, I need to work hard for my family I love them don't i ever want to lose them ever but I bad feeling right now I am gonna hurry home now.

         ⛵Time skip was brought to you by a chibi Jin covered in blood ⛵

The sound of a car door slamming had brought Jin out of his trance of looking at the whore "DADS HOME" Jin said truly happy "stay put whore don't try to run remember I am faster then you" Jin said turning around fast with all of his emotions which in an instant where gone "DAD YOUR HOME" Jin said extremely happy with blood on him Infront of his father "OH MY DEAR GOD JIN ARE YOU OK?! YOUR COVERED KN BLOOD I AM GONNA CALL 91-" Jinn's mouth was covered by something warm his eyes closed but he remembered this feeling oh no No NO NO NO THIS DID NOT JUST HAPPEN but I can't stop it I am powerless "don't worry dad I am ok" Jin said exiting the kiss "why did you do that" said jinn looking up "why  you ask well is self explanatory moms gone and your mom now and I dad" Jin said reaching for his dad's plum thick ass "J-Jin please don't do this~" said jinn in a moan pleading to for this to stop but he couldn't do much "oh father you don't know how long I waited for this but before this we got go say hi to " mommy" dad" Jin said happily as if nothing weird was happening and he then dragged him to the room. " Oh WHORE Daddy's HOME" Jin said in a sing song voice bring his dad to a room full of blood and gore and naked women "WHATS GOING ON HERE OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" jinn said in full panic mode" HONEY WHAT HAPPENED WHO DID THIS JIN AND WIFE SRE YOU OK?! " yelled an extremely worried jinn "daddy no need to worry I am ok but the whore is not" Jim said in a sing song voice "WHAT HAPPENED WHO ARE THSE PEOPLE I NEED ANSWERS-" jinn was caught off again by a another kiss that lasted longer it left him panting with saliva string coming out The women who finally throw up the guts and finally be able to talk "YOUR SON HERE KILLED ALL OF MY LOVER-" the women realized she said to much "what?! Lovers YOU CHEATED ON ME?!" jinn said angry glaring at his wife "WELL WHAT DO YOU EXCEPT YOU CANT SATISFY ME AND I NEED SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME" the women yelled digging her own hole and she continues" DON'T YOU FIND IT WEIRED THAT YOU WHERE PREGNANT AND I WASN'T I MEAN COME ON MAN HOW IS THAY NOT WEIRD" yelled the women now ready to be berried "you MEAN IT WAS WERID TO DO THAT" jinn said confused "you mean we don't need you? " Jin said happily "alright guess you used up all of your life bye bye bozo" said jin even happier while sliding her throat but not a quick death to merciful she is going to see something horrible to go out while she start to die and go to hell with this memory "Oh dad let out on show for her" Jin said grabbing jinn "what do you mean-" jinn was cut off and was made to lay down on the floor ass up " you already know what's going to happy dear" said Jin seductively as he whipped out he 12 INCH dick and procedes to penetrate his father's juices thick ass bussy" oh no!!!~~~" it was to late he lost him self already and as time goes by all the words that come out of the once father of Jin now femboy boyfriend is "please never stop" the women had passed away "well we have to continue this later we gotta clean" jin say a he take his cock out of his new boyfriend bussy "o-okish daddish" Jin said with broken English. After all was clean thay both fell asleep where the women once used to sleep with the father but now Jin's spot "I love you" Jin said to his father boyfriend "I love you too daddy" jinn said in his sleep

⚠️The end⚠️

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