Why twilight is better

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Hello my name is Ariana this is why twilight is better then Harry potter!

1.there is team Jacob and team Edward and team Bella

2. You can live longer

3. Vampires or wizzards we all no who would win da

4. I would admit jk Rowling is better but stephine Mayer is better

5. The voltori is powerful because their is four of them together that will make them powerfuller

7. Twilight isn't scary

8.twilight is better

9.Harry potter movies are foolish

10. Stephine Mayer is more creative

11. Jk R sucks

12. Stephine Mayer took her time and thought about it unlike jk R

13. Twilight names way better then all the dumb cast of Harry potter

14. Who came up with the dumb name Harry potter? O that's right jk Rowling

15. Twilight has robert,Taylor,kristern,Peter,Ashley, and Nikki and many more

16. Alice can kick butt

17 Bella is the strongest girl so she can beat Harry in an arm wrestle any time

18. Harry potter fans lysin up Harry potter is stupid so are you if you like Harry p

19. Cute guys in twilight

20 more action in twilight

21 who woudnt love to read the future or have strength or even read minds

22 o yea what is Harry's power goes to a school to learn how to say some easy words and wave a stick haha

23. Robert Patterson looked way better in twilight not in HP just a reminder

24. Jk R even said that Mayer is a better auteur

25. Harry and twilight is booth a good movie to watch but I insist for all of you to at least try to watch HP or even twilight

26. You can do any ability you want u name it

27. U will love twilight

28.the books are so good to no great

29.mayer put thought into it

30. I watched all the movies and books of Twilight and Harry potter you will love twilight

31. In Harry potter people die and twilight only bad people die that's good

32. Girls go crazy of this

33. Some people dont like twilight bc it is stupid

34. Everyone would dream about being a vampire

35 the Cullen's are like a hundred years old and they look young

36. Twilight is romantic,funny,interesting some much more

36.twilight has no bad words unlike HP

37. HP doesn't care if his friend or anyone dies

38. Mayer can check her writing

39. Reneeseeme is new so everyone loves her


My opinion

1. I'm sure 9- should not watch it because there are some sex Sean's

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2013 ⏰

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