mr bugs

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It was mid July, the sun was glaring its beams of light in my classroom. The classroom felt like I was in a microwave. Droplets of sweat trickle down my forehead and onto my worksheet, a pool of sweat forms on my spine. Mrs. Smith's blabbering about who knows what is teaching definitely does not help my eyelids from being wide open. They feel so heavy, like it's going to shut at any moment. Just then a loud ring goes through my ears. Finally, it's lunch time.

My class to the cafeteria was not a far walk. I try to push myself through the hallways to get to it. It's stuffy and I feel like I just came out of a pool with my clothes on. My shirt is sticking to my body. The conversations of the other students are so loud but I don't seem to be able to figure out what any of them are saying.

I feel someone grab my shoulder. I am not sure who but the grip is strong. Seconds later I am walking backwards and fast. I try to struggle by wiggling my way through but my efforts go to waste. The other students passed by me and just like that I was being brought to a room.

It's dark and it's small. I can feel shelves of bottles . This must be the janitor's closet I think to myself.

"How are you?" the person says.

His voice is deep and mysterious. He doesn't sound familiar. I think he might be a senior. Suddenly the room is bright and I squint my eyes to the sudden exposure of light. I was right, it was the Janitor's closet. In front of me stood him.

His tall ears. Fuzzy cheeks. Sharp jawline. His two square teeth that always stuck out. His tall and slender body is always towering above everyone. Buggs bunny. He had a smug expression on his face. Buggs was the basketball captain and every girl had a crush on him. He wore a white t-shirt with jeans and a varsity jacket.

"Hey y/n. I pulled you here because I wanted to tell you something. Well I have noticed you for quite some time now and... I have to say... I have a crush on you," Buggs says with not too much confidence.

WHAT? BUGGS? LIKING ME? I could not believe it. My mouth hung open like a fool. Every girl loved Buggs except for me. I didn't really see him as attractive. I'm not really like other girls. Before I could say anything I was interrupted with his lips parting with mine. It was so soft and his whiskers tickled my cheeks.

A moment later it got passionate. He was rough. His tongue and mine danced while our saliva mixed. His breath smelled of carrots.

"mmm," He moans.

He lifts his shirt up. His body was fit and he was sweaty. He had abs and a little trail or grey went from his belly button down to his pants. I could see his v-line meeting just before his underwear's waistband. He then lifted my shirt up as well. Buggs did a little bunny hop before he pushed me to the shelf of supplies. He pulled my jeans down and start kissing my stomach. It was wet and left some saliva but I didn't mind. He pulled my undergarments down and he looked at the flaps of skin that laid between my thighs.

"You're already wet" He smirks.

He begins to lick the area around it and leaves a trail of his warm slob around my thighs. His tongue entered the layer of skin and it moved violently. Up and down up, and down. I couldn't help but let out a moan. He was so skilled. I placed my hands around his ears and began pushing his head deeper into it. His nose was slightly in my folds as well as his tongue. I was so sensitive I couldn't help it. Before I knew it, a sputter of gold started spraying all over his face. I really should have not drank the whole carton of carrot juice for breakfast.

He stopped. His head bobbed up. Oh no, he was probably mad. I expected him to leave but his smirk grew wider. He hopped up to stand and he pushed me in my knees. Uh oh. I knew what I had to do. I pulled his jeans down and I saw his bulge from his underwear. It was so thick and long that the tip was poking out from his waistband. Drips of precum dripped onto the floor. I removed his underwear and saw it bounce up and down. It was glorious. So thick, so long and so many veins. It was wide at the base and looked like a jungle. It got narrower towards the tip, like a carrot.

I opened my mouth and took a deep breath. I began sucking. Gosh it was so big I felt like choking. He than grabbed my head and pushed his throbbing cock deeper into my mouth. I could feel it throb, bigger than smaller, bigger than smaller. I look up and I could see him smirking.

"Let me give you a taset of your own medicine bitch" he says.

Uh oh. Brace yourself I say in my mind. Then I feel it. The stream. It is bitter and I cannot help it. I push it away and the stream lands on my face. Gold like the sun all over me. It is warm and unpleasantly refreshing. He stands and towers above me with his muscular hsnds crossed  and his ears standing high. He pulls me up and he takes something that looks like a carrot. It's a bottle of lube. He lubes his cock up.

"AUNGHH," I moan at the top of my lungs.

He made me face him while he fucked me. His hands were on my bra. He had the same smirked plastered on his face. He ripped my bra off. The overload in pleasure did not make me feel the pain. My breasts jiggled and he placed his hands on it and started fondling with it. Then he started leaving wet kisses on it. Soon after he started sucking my nipples and called me mommy. In my head I could only think that this bitch has some serious mommy issues.

His cock was big in my vagina. He thrusted with such violence. He went fast and I could hear his thighs clapping against mines. His fur was so soft it felt so good to have his furry cock in me. Like a brush was cleaning my insides. He lifted one arm above me to place on the wall while his other hand lifted me and supported my butt. His armpits were hairy and filled with sweat. He was covered in a manly musky sweaty smell. Some of his sweat droplets landed on my tits and he would lick it.

Five minutes in he started getting comfortable. He started spitting in my mouth and all over my body. His spit hit hard like bullets. He took out his carrot bottle and covered it in lube. What was he going to do? I was a moaning mess and I couldn't focus. Then I felt something enter my behind. He put the bottle in my ass. I was moaning so much everything was starting to be a blur.

"I'm gonna cum!" He yelled.

Soon after I could feel a stream of liquid blast up me. We were doing it raw and I could feel his cum oozing out of my vagina. He got down and started sucking the cum out of me. He got up and signalled me to open my mouth. I followed his orders. He opened his mouth and the cum dripped down from his mouth and into mind. Like a fountain. I swallowed every ounce of his man milk and it tasted good.

I fell down to my knees exhausted after what just happened. He got his clothes on and left before I could say anything. Darkness started to cover the corner of my eyes.

"Hello? Miss are you okay?" a voice calls

My eyes open and the janitor is squatting in front of me. Shocked, I got up and immediately picked my clothes up. I ran out of there butt naked into the carpark and into my car. What. Just. Happened. Was it a dream? I look down and I can still see bits of his cum leaking out of me. Oh no.

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