𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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───  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅  ───

The light from the window leaked through, awaking me. "I'm a weapon?" I sat up turning to the owner of the voice. I fell backwards, burying myself in the covers. "Go away, Isaac!" I yelled my voice muffled by the comforter. The shield between him and I was ripped away, as he pulled the covers off me. I felt the bed sink in beside me. "You're lucky I'm even talking to you." I peeked over my shoulders, at Isaac who towered over me, his eyes glaring at me.

"I'm sorry," I said, my voice straining as I fought the urge to cry. Isaac's eyes softened, as he pulled me to face him. He laid beside me, his head resting on his arm which was proped up on a pillow.
"Allison brought you home, and got you out of the ripped clothes," Isaac whispered as his eyes lingered over the new clothes that covered my body. His face was inches away from mine, and I could feel my cheeks burning up again. The way his eyes trailed over me, sent my stomach spiralling. His lips slightly parted, his heart rate slowly increasing as the space between us grew warmer. Recalling, the thoughts from a couple days back. I shut my eyes tightly, cringing at our argument. Isaac's fingers trailed down my sleeve leaving a trail of goosebumps beneath his touch. He pulled it up, I watched his hands find the brand engraved on my arm. Caressing the scar with his thumb, he traced the outline of the marking. "She told me about what you said, and about this gnarly scar."His whispers grew raspy, Isaac pulled away his eyes, finding it's way back to me. My eyes fluttered, as I stared into his eyes. Isaac Lahey was in my room. In my bed...next to me.
"I can't take back what I said, but I'd never hurt you Isaac. I'd never hurt any of you. I promise." I held up my pinky, he looked down at my trembling finger. He took in a deep breath before entwining it with his pinky. I smiled at his gesture, Isaac pulled me in. Comforting me in a tight hug. He sat up, letting my body fall into his arms. My head fitting naturally into the crook of his neck. My tense body relaxed a little in his embrace, to my surprise I felt him lean down and kiss my forehead. I sat still, not knowing how to react, maybe it was a mistake. We are just friends right?

"I'm going to be late for practice, but I'll see you later right." He whispered into my hair, slowly getting up from the bed. I sat upright, watching him grab his bag from my chair.
"Uh yeah...Isaac um. Can you and Allison keep everything from last night between us. I can't really explain anything right now." Isaac faced me from my doorway.
"Yeah no problem." He ensured, before leaving he came to my side. I watched as he grabbed the bottom of my chin, pulling it up and kissing me. "Holy shit." I thought, my eyes widened as he pecked my lips and left my room. I heard the front door close, slowly turning to the mirror situated on my wall. My eyebrows rose in shock, at how red my face was. My hands flew to my cheeks, as my stomach swarmed with butterflies. "Isaac kissed me..." I said out loud, my fingertips grazing the bottom of my lips.

I scanned the starting line for Isaac, but he was no where to be found. "Boo!" Two hands grasped onto my shoulders, startling me. I spun back, finding a very amused Hayley. I smacked her hands and scolded her for the prank she pulled. "You looking for your boyfriend." Hayley teased. I clenched my jaw, remembering what had happened a few hours ago.
"Look I saw him leave your house, and his face was BEAMING! Like if we had a power outage, blondie would've lit up the whole of Beacon Hills." I smirked at Hayley's words, my cheeks warming up.
"He's not my boyfriend, he just came to check up on me." I stated, as I began to stretch. Hayley was doing the same, which is when I realised. "Since when do you do cross country." I pointed out, turning to Hayley.
"Well you left me last night. So I decided that I will in fact take the risk and I am the Ned to your Spider-man." She decided, I already knew how stubborn Hayley is. It's in her blood. There was no point arguing and so I left it.

Me and Hayley lined up, waiting for the referee's whistle. Once he blew it, Hayley and I were off, "So what happened last night?" I continued running, pacing myself along the way. "Can this wait, I'll tell you how bad I messed up later." I urged. Hayley erupted into a fit of giggles. "Okay now I'm intrigued, what happened?" She pressed. Something else caught my attention, it was the twins, and Isaac was racing after them. "Two down, two to go." I recalled the text message, from the first week I arrived in Beacon Hills. "Hayley, it will definitely have to wait. Come on." I quickened my pace, running after Isaac with Hayley following behind me. I rushed down the empty pathway which was off the track, standing before Ethan and Aiden, with Isaac in his grasps. "Oh my god!" Hayley cried out from behind me.
"Ethan I always forget. How many bones in a human body?" Aiden questioned.
"206! Now let him go boys." I called out, walking towards them. The twins faced me, Aiden smile grew maliciously.
"Sorry Lettie, but I can't let your boyfriend go just yet." Isaac and I erupted into a fit of excuses, which cause the three of them to look at us with confusion.
"He isn't my boyfriend."
"I don't think she's my girlfriend." Aiden narrowed his brows, as Ethan snickered from beside Isaac.
"Can you please just let him go E?" I pleaded, cringing at the awkwardness. Ethan turned towards Aiden who was reluctant, but gave in. They tossed Isaac onto the ground, but before Aiden could utter a single word, a scream caught the attention of us all.

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