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"I hear by Senate you to hell"

I was falling through the clouds, my eyes were shut as white bandage wrapped around me, my white hair flowed behind me as I dropped further away from my home


I can't seem to remember how or why this happened to me. Someone so pure and incident could be tossed from her home and blamed for something i didn't do.


This fall from my home was going to be a long one and it was one that I deserve

Lucifer pov)

Lucifer was on his way to a meeting sitting in his limo lost in thought, thinking what to do about the angels killing everyone, they had another extermination not too many days ago and what bugged him was what could he and the over Lord's do about it, it was good that some of his people got killed off but it was starting to become a problem. He leans back in his site as he looked out his window when seeing something white shining, he thought nothing of it but his eyes looked back at the alley until it faded away

"Driver stop!"

He called as the car came to A halt, Lucifer quickly came out of the limo and walked down the path to the Alley seeing some demons already there but when seeing him they ran. He slowly walked down the alley way only to stop when he saw a little girl laying among the trash wrapped in white ribbons, she was around the age of 6 from what he can see, His eyes widened when seeing her faded white pure glow and frown when the white burned out into black along with her hair and ripped up dress.

"My Lord?"

Came a voice as he didn't look back at who called him, he kneeled down and touched the girl's cheek feeling how soft she was, her dark tan skin remained the same after the fall and then Lucifer knew that this girl was a fallen. But how and why would gods Angel's be down here and what Crime did she commit to getting tossed from heaven

"Get me a blanket"

He said as the driver left and came back quickly, Lucifer wrapped the little girl in the blanket and held her to his chest feeling that she was still warm. He went back to his car still holding the child and had the driver take him home and cancel his meeting with the overlords.

Once home he rushed into the house hearing a greeting from his 10-year-old child Charlie but did not stop as he came to a room and laid the girl down removing the blanket. She was dirty from laying in the trash All day and had his maids clean her up. Once that was done he came back into the room seeing a bandage around her head and on her arms

"How is she?"

He asked

"The fall wasn't too bad sir but we believe she'll have some head trauma. The cuts will heal over time. And we found this"

The maid said holding up a golden locket that caught his eye. He took it and examined it seeing the name tsume carved into it

"Tsume...what an interesting name"

"Who's the pretty girl daddy?"

Lucifer looked to the bedside and saw his daughter Charlie trying to get a look at the sleeping girl

"Charlie please don't bother her"

he said in a harsh but normal tone as she looked to him

"she's not feeling well sweetheart"

"Is she broken?"

"Well... kinda yes , but for now let her sleep"

He said as everyone left the room, a couple of days later Lucifer had always come back to the room to check on the little angel to see if she has awoken but never had as he feared that she wasn't going to wake up, until one day he was given word from the maids that the little girl has finally woken up. He could feel his heart beating rapidly as he made his way to the room and stopped at the door staring at the little girl that sat up in the bedsheets of gold and crimson and white she looked around the room confused until her eyes fell upon him

Her lavender eyes stared up at him as he stared back, at first he didn't know what to say or whether or not he should approach the little girl


A little voice came from her that sounded like bells from heaven

"Where...am I?"

she asked as Lucifer had to pull himself together and put on a smile, he made his way over to her and sat on the edge of the bed

"My little angel you are in hell"


She asked tilting her head to the side as he nodded

"What's your name?"

She asked him

"My name is Lucifer magnet"

A smile formed upon the little girl's face only for his smile to fall

"And your name my dear?"

He asked as silence fell between them it looked like she was trying to search for the answers in her head but couldn't

"I don't.... remember, I don't know who I am"

She said as she reached up to touch her head but quickly pulled away when feeling the bandages.

"My- my Halo is gone?"

"Your what?"

She touched her face and grabbed her chest and started breathing heavily, Lucifer saw she was hyperventilating out of fear and panic not Knowing what else to do he quickly took a hold of her into his arms holding her close

"It's ok, everything is fine your safe"

He said softly as she started to cry wanting to push him away but he kept a good hold on her and started to sing a song Calming her down and soon she fell asleep. Lucifer has seen a lot of angels fall from heaven but for some reason, the look into this little angel's eyes was different, almost like he knew her but he himself couldn't remember. All he knew and wanted was to help her as he felt a strange feeling deep within his chest to protect her. 

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