Chapter 3: Captured slumber

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   Cora didn't like the sound of "a favor". What could that even mean? Coming from him, it definitely wasn't a good thing. She was reluctant to even listen to him, but seeing as he was already there, she didn't seem have to any other choice. And it wasn't like he could hurt her, well, he could but it wouldn't affect her in present time, she would be fine. At least that's what she told herself.

"Tell me about the dark place." She demanded.

"The dark pla-?" He started, cutting himself off, "Oh, that. I was trying to keep you from the mirror. It is more dangerous than you think. Especially in the dream world. It shows you your deeper most inner fear, or something that may influence your fate."

How lovely Cora thought sarcastically, that man would be the death of her it seemed.

"Why did your eyes go black, and why did you lunge at me?" She questioned with a glare, he was convincing.

"Oh, did you like that?" He asked.

Cora was not amused, and stared deeply into his eyes with a scrutinizing gaze. "No." She said harshly.

"Geez. If looks could kill." He stated dryly, amusement gone from his voice.

"But fine, since you asked, I was trying to scare you into waking up, so you would no longer be tempted to stare into the mirror. I was surprised though, that you were aware of what was happening, and somewhat in control of your body. I should have guessed you've been here before." He stated, his eyes wandering to the woman, who had now had the boy following her where nobody else had strayed.

He turned back to Cora urgently, "Now about the favor, I need you to come with me, to follow that lady. I've been keeping tabs on her, and her boss. This world is not what it seems. Beneath it's wondrous facade, it really is a hell." He said, a forbidding tone in his voice.

"Why me?" She asked, staying cautious, though her eyes lit up with curiosity.

"You saw the man in the mirror. You're the only one I've met that seems to see through the exterior of this world." He said.

"But how do y-" She was interrupted as he hastily pulled her off the bench to her feet, the book sliding off her lap and hitting the grassy ground with a thud.

"Let's go." He said, tugging her in the direction of the woman. She had no choice but to follow, and so she did.

They kept their distance as they followed the young pair. At one point the woman had turned her head and they had to dive behind a huge oak tree. Soon the grass and dirt beneath them changed into sand, "Sand, a beach but wh-" Cora started, but the young man beside her shot her a warning look. Cora clamped her mouth shut. The woman and the young boy were now close to the bottom of the cliff that overlooked the sandy beach. The woman led the dazed boy into a crevice in the cliff that Cora hadn't noticed before. She furrowed her eyebrows, this was dangerous, but the young man urged her to follow him inside.

Inside it was pitch black, and she immediately missed the bright, yellow sun. Torches were set along the walls, though they were dimming as the minutes passed. It was a short tunnel, not very long until they reached a cave. The young man pulled Cora behind a rocky wall, and they listened to the conversation happening inside of the cave.

"...Pitiful. I expected more from you, Rose. This little bag of bones won't do me any good. He has no creativity." A deep and gravelly voice hissed.

The woman called Rose snapped back at him, "It's not my fault he was the only kid stupid enough to follow me, Colligo!"

The man sighed, "Whatever. Let's just finish this."

Cora was confused, lost in what they were talking about. She peeked around the corner to see the man that she had seen in the mirror. She was so surprised that she almost fell back and let out a small gasp, but the young man slapped his hand over her mouth. When he was sure she was not going to scream or anything, he let go and allowed her to resume her spying. Colligo had his hand over the boy's forehead, and the boy's eyes were wide open in terror. But, soon enough, his eyes went a electric blue, pupils gone and all. Cora wouldn't have been surprised if they started to shoot sparks out. Colligo looked very concentrated, it was all confusing but Cora could clearly see an aura of blue going up and into the man. As this happened the man seemed to get bigger and stronger; Scarier.

Something broke his concentration, and he happened to turn his head towards Cora's peeping face. The boy fell to the ground, unconscious. The young man behind Cora pulled her back by the wrist. "Come on, we have to go. NOW" He said urgently.

Cora started to follow him but looked back, "What about the boy-"

"What are you doing here?!" The man, Colligo, boomed out at them. "Rose. Capture them."

"He is dead weight, he's as good as dead right now. Come on!." Replied the young man.

Cora stood her ground, "No, I'll come if we come back for him later."

The young man stomped impatiently. "Fine, but now we're going to have to start running." He said, nervously eyeing the advancing woman.

Cora did not want to see what was in store for them when the lady reached them, so she ran as fast as she could, but as her and the young man ran, hand in hand, a net fell over them, encasing around them tighter each second. Cora wanted to scream out, but she couldn't, she felt dizzy and sick.

"Where did she get a net?" Cora whispered frantically.

"Rose is a magician. Sort of. She can conjure things with her mind." The young man said with a nervous laugh

"Oh well thanks for telling me now, Mr. Good for Nothing!" She sarcastically barked out.

"Actually my name is Chester..." He said deliriously, his head hitting the ground with a sharp thud.

Cora winced, but she felt feverish too, as if she were ready to pass out. She groaned and her eyes closed slowly as she internally begged not to fall into this unwanted slumber. But she was not given mercy as she fell deep into the blackness, the world drowned out.

She could not fight it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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