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(Ten years before, September 3rd, 2005)

He was running through the corridors of the condemned building that was surrounded by complete and utter darkness. He halts to a stop to catch his breath and to observe his surroundings. He hears the sound of a door opening behind him and runs to that direction.

When he opened the door he was greeted with a steel pipe to the face rendering him unconscious. He wakes up tied to a chair on the roof of the building.

"You were so close Mr. Bond, but not close enough." Said the voice behind him, speaking in a thick Irish accent. "It's too bad it's going to end like this. You put up such a good fight, but for what? To be doused in gasoline? What a shame."

Ciaran O'Dempsey then gave the signal for his men to douse the British Secret Service agent in gasoline along with the surrounding area. He walks over to the helicopter that was ready for lift off, lit a match and dropped it on the ground.

"So long James!" Ciaran yelled.

The helicopter took off leaving Bond in the inferno. He pulls on the rope with all of his might, despite it digging into his flesh. He manages to break the back of the chair, freeing him from his restraints. Bond looks to see if he can find any other way out of the building without burning to death and sees that the only way out off the building is to jump.

He then takes a pistol he had stashed in his jacket, and shoots at the chopper. A bullet pierces the chopper's engine which caused it to explode.

He yells in satisfaction as his gasoline-soaked clothes catch fire. He then staggers to the ledge of the building in agonizing pain landing in the ocean waters thirty-feet below.

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