Chapter 13//Troye

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I feel Connor's lips press against my hair and I drift off to sleep with a huge smile on my face. This night has been so perfect. It's been everything that I wanted it to be, I got closer to Connor. Really that's all that matters to me right now. I want to make Connor happy because I really really like him and I care about him so so much. I don't really think I've ever been on a proper date and though that wasn't what is usually consider a date I have a feeling that that's exactly what Connor likes as a date. Alone, outdoors and enjoying each other.

I wake up to Connor moving out from under me, I reach out blindly trying to pull him back down but he swats my hand away. Usually I take rejection fine but that just doesn't settle well with me for some reason. I roll over and hide my face in his blankets, not wanting him to see my disappointed face. I can hear him moving around getting ready for work and I don't get up when he leaves the room. I stay right there and just think.

I have an assignment today. I have to take someone's life today and Connor doesn't know that. Connor won't know what I've done when I come home tonight. He'll have no idea what I've done and I'm sure that I'm okay with that. I don't think I can live with myself if I have to keep doing this. Connor is my only hope, he is the only one who can get me out of this situation but until we fall in love I'm stuck.

As if everything about this situation wasn't crappy enough someone wants to kill my soul mate. Dan and Phil refuse to tell me who it is and Connor has absolutely no clue as to why someone would want to kill him. This isn't fair at all. I just want to know who wants him dead. If someone is stupid enough to want an amazing amazing person like Connor dead then I wouldn't put it past them to take matters into their own hands now that plan A didn't work out. I am so fucking scared that someone is going to take away the one good thing that has come into my life. If someone takes him away from me I don't know what I'll do.

I get up knowing that I need to get ready for what I have to do today. I don't think they can really teach you how to prepare yourself for this. Especially when it's someone like me who doesn't like this at all. I think that some of my co-workers actually enjoy there job, as sick as that sounds. The majority of the people I've met in this line of work are the worst people in the world. I guess that's kind of expected as we do kill and hurt people to make money. I've never felt like I belonged around the people I work with and I'm am so relieved by that. If I was comfortable with them and fit in with them Connor would never in a million years want me the way that I want him.

I walk out of Connor's room and walk into mine so I can prepare my stuff. The kind of stuff that I wish I didn't own. I hide my "work stuff" in a chest in my closet so that I don't have to see it out in plain sight. My hit isn't until four in the afternoon, but seeing as I don't have a car and I don't really want to take a cab, I get dressed then start walking to the trail that Dan had described for me. I have weapons hidden under my coat and I'm sweltering in the coat. By the time I get to the trail its about two. Out of pure boredom I end up walking the trail a few times on about my third trip around the trail I start thinking about where the best spot would be for my assignment. I settle on one spot, a place that is on a hill next to the trail where I can be hidden by trees and thick bushes and tall grass.

I'm not left alone with nothing to do for very long. As the long blonde hair swept into a precise ponytail comes into view I know that she has arrived about ten minutes earlier than planned. As I pull the gun from my belt the thing happens. The thing that happens every time that I do this, save the time I tried to kill Connor. I black out, not like pass out not moving black out but like I don't remember a single thing until I'm walking off of the trail. It will all come back in flashbacks and nightmares, I'm actually somewhat glad that I am never aware of what I'm doing when I'm doing the most horrible thing a person could do. I send a text to Dan telling him the job is done and he replies with a good job with an array of stupid emoji's. I walk back to the apartment and I'm so glad that Connor isn't there when I get home. I put away my stupid work things and grab my wallet. I think I need to go get drunk.

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