The Story of Alfonso and The Cookie Jar...(I know very original)

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One night, Alfonso was lying in his bed listening to music as he calmly tried to pick a song. As he is picking, he notices a faint noise through the music. He removes 1 earphone and distinctively knows what was that. It was his stomach. He was hungry, and hungry for anything. He cautiously gets up and grabs his phone as he makes his way out his room. He turns on his phone's flashlight and slowly passes his parents room, trying to be as sly and quick as he can. He came to the stairs, which normally does not make him sweat in fear but he knows the stairs are very creaky, and prayed that not a single noise would emit from him or the stairs. Step by step, he slowly makes his way down the grey carpet steps and finally reaches the bottom of the stairs celebrating in his mind that he arrived unheard, but knew that this was not the end. He made his way to the kitchen aimlessly and drops his phone. He shockingly picks it up as swift as he can hoping that nobody heard it. Alfonso pretends that nothing happened, and decides to find something to eat (cause thats the whole point of this). He desperately looks everywhere in the fridge for something, but alas, he could not. About to leave, he takes 1 last look, and spots a mysterious object atop the fridge. It was a big cookie jar. Alfonso knew this, but also remembered that this was not his. It was his sister's jar, she bought the jar and the cookies herself, and specifically told Alfonso not eat them, let alone touch the jar. Alfonso knew that he would get in trouble, but he was desperate for food. He could not take the hunger any longer; he could not let it consume him. Alfonso made way for a chair and set it next to the fridge as he reached despairingly for the jar, as his hunger was seemingly corrupting him. He grabbed hold of the jar and carefully made his way down with the jar in hand. He set it down on the table and put the chair back. Alfonso knew the consequences of this, but it did not stop him from taking it. He slowly removed the jar's lid off and expected to see a pile of chocolate chip, sugar, or even oatmeal raisin inside the jar, but a single tear was released from his eye as he sat there in disbelief of what had to be the truth. The jar... was empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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