So dont protect me .

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I woke up pushing my hair out of my face . It took me time to rejog last nights incident .... it was something i didnt want to remeber .

I put my hair up in a sloppy bun but it looked right on me , i threw on one of zayn shirts that drapped over my knee's .

I went to the bathroom in his room and brushed my teeth . When i came out he was woken . 

' hey ' i said gentely . He looked at me like as if he didnt know me ' what are you doing in here ?' he snapped at me . ' and why the fuck does my face hurt ?' he placed his had on his face and his mouth dropped in dispair ' WHY THE THE FUCK DOES MY FACE FEEL LIKE THAT ?' he screamed whisperd . he grabbed his boxers and put them and and jolted to the bathroom . When he got to the mirror , i knew he was dissapointed . i mean REALLY drained at this point .

'He started crying hard skipping breaths inbetween trying to hard to get a grip of him self ... if it was even possible at this breach of breaking point .

' zayn ... ' i called his name out  ' zayn ... look at me ' i called him again . He didnt stop looking at him self ... i could alonely imagine the the thing alone what was going threw his head .

' you dont have to ever fight for me again ' i told him . ' fight for you ? just shut the fuck up , please !' zayn was getting on his short temper i could tell . ' babe relax ... you did at your will , i didnt force you to do anything ' i kept a calm relax tone . when he turned his head i was amazed at the damage done .

One his eyes were completly BLOOD SHOT RED it scared the shit out of me . ' LOOK AT ME MEGAN DO YOU NOT SEE MY FUCKING FACE ! ' she scaremed at me . I placed my hand out to see his face ' no dont touch me i dont care if we just had sex I DONT FUCKING CARE !' he was at his exstent . ' megan i could smack the day light out of you right now GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE NOW !' he slammed his fist into the door breaking the wood .

I knew it was a sign not to stick around . 


As soon as i saw megan out of sight i instantly got even madder . ' wait megan ' i got her before she left the room . Jesus , she was crying . ' just come here ' i open my arm cause i knew she just wanted to be held . Her chin started quivering , she was really heart broken . once i got her in my arms , i sqeeuzed her really tight . ' i didnt mean what i said .... ' i whisperd to her . I lifted her head up pushed her hair behind her ears .

' zayn .... i just dont want to be without you' she told me . My heart stopped but it was racing at the same time . 


what about nicole ? i had nicole back at home and i really liked her alot .... but i figured i tell megan while were having sex so it would be okay .

I figured making my mood would be better now then ever .....

I started pushing up on her . I let my hands rome free at its will all over her gushy body exspecially her soft spots . I started sliding up her shirt a bit i could tell she was getting arose .

Her teeth started yanking at my boxers band . ' right now ?' i asked her like i wasnt planning on doing it .

She started crawling up on me , i grab her by the back of thighs and laid her on the bed . I took her shirt off well actually my shirt off of her .

I landed my body inbetween her legs so i was on top being dominant . I was kissing up and down on her neck down to her collar bone leaving wet kisses then kissing her .

Her hair was spreaded out across the bed making her look even more atrractive .

While i yank my boxers down a bit enough to let my member out i slowly put it inside her warm wet  clit .

I went at a fine pace enough for her to moan but no to loud .

While i was push in and out of her the pleasure felt so fucking good but i had to stay focus and on track to break the news to her .

So i started to make out with her while she was letting these moans that were really tunring me on out her mouth .

I began kissing on her neck and then it was my time ' megan .... i have this '  she started kissing on my neck now i could barely control myself . 'FUCK MEGAN' i gasped in her ear .

' uhh ... fuck zayn o-o-h my go-o-od' she moaned .  and now i actually thought about it .... i didnt want to break it to megan right now . She was to fragil to break again at this point . I didnt want to break her beyond repair .

' megan ...... ' i paused ' i dont want to hurt you .... so it best if this is the last time we have sex .' I pulled me boxers up . She put my shirt on her quick . ' why ? ' she asked . As much a just wanted to kiss her and just fuck her senseless i couldnt cause it wasnt alright .

' or even talk ....' i said to her harsh . ' why ?' she asked me again she rubbed her hand against her back ... her warm touch really made me shiver because i was addicted to her .

' i need to over you , cause im not over you and i know your not over me and i know i shouldve told you this early but i have a girlfriend back at home who've i been with for 6 months and i really love her and i dont want to break a furture for a past . Dont get me wrong i still want you to come back but with out a love interest i might have a chance to marry this girl and i dont want to rewin it ..... so we gotta let go of what we have ' i broke it down to her .

' no i totally get it .... i didnt know you had a girlfriend .' she said uneasy ' im going to stay out of your hair ' she spoke .

' no basically out of my life ' i know i was being mean but nicole could possibley be the one i marry and i dont want to risk it .


he totally forgot im pregnet .......



Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now