One: A New Experience

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I was laying on his bed, we were both comfortable minding our own business watching mindless crap on tv, his room was medium sized. The bed was soft to the touch, and it was less decorated, the walls were grey, a few pictures painted the surrounding area of his friends and family, there was a wardrobe standing next to the tv, it was painted grey too. I wasn't too bothered about anything. 

The man lying next to me was a god sent from the heavens. His jaw was definitive, the slight stubble made him more attractive, his black bushy eyebrows were arched perfectly, his hair was black and messy, and his eyes were hypnotic swirls of green, gold and brown, the kind that reminded me of sweet honey oozing out from a delicious honeycomb. His body looked like it was sculptured by angels, they seemed to have taken their time. I looked over at him and seemed to have caught me, as he glanced at me. I smiled to myself and looked ahead at the screen that was displaying a random ad. 'typical' I thought to myself. 

My eyes wandered around the room, and I sighed, trying to think of what to do. Being with him relaxed me, it really did, and I felt a warm sense of comfort gobble me up. We had been together for a couple of months and my heart jumps out of my chest when I see him. "What are you thinking?" his low voice yanks me out of my thoughts and I hummed. "Nothing really, just you" I smiled, I knew it was cheesy, but it was true. He chuckled showing his pearly white teeth. God, he's so pretty, I could melt from his smile. "I love you" my heart felt like it was doing backflips, I felt like fireworks was going off in my stomach. My cheeks flushed and I couldn't stop smiling, he noticed my reaction and smiled at it "I l-love you too" I stammered out, not being able to think clearly from the sudden three words. It wasn't the first time he said it, but every time he does say it, it feels like the first and my body has the same reaction. His gaze didn't help my thoughts clear either. I tried to think of something else but thoughts of me wrapped up in his embrace were bombarding my mind.

I looked at him to make sure he was looking away, but I was wrong, and my eyes met his. I was lost, I was so hypnotised. I couldn't look away; something had drawn me to them, the force was strong, and I felt compelled. I didn't notice as he was closing the gap between us, that's when I felt his lips on mine, they were soft and moulded together like a perfect puzzle piece. His hands crept to my waist, and he started caressing it absentmindedly. My hands ran up and down his torso, feeling his hardened muscles through his blue shirt, my mind came before me and beckoned for his shirt to come off, so my fingers started to trail down to the waistband of his trousers and up his shirt and I pulled away to take it off him. His breathing was erratic as my cold hands met his warm stomach, goosebumps slowly rose on his tanned skin, and I found it amusing how my cold touch could make him feel so many things.  

We kissed again and he took me by surprise when he gently nibbled on my lip; asking permission to enter his tongue in my mouth, of course I opened it slightly and he explored my cavern as if it was something he'd never done before. I quietly moaned, the feeling was strange, but I had slowly got used to it. 
I squirmed in my place, and he held my hips still, something about his nails digging into my waist made me feel things I thought I could never feel, my heart sped up and I felt like I couldn't breathe. As he pulled away from the kiss, I was panting, my hands were still feeling his chest. It immersed me how a man could be put together, they were mindlessly trailing small circles over his abs. 

All whilst this was going on, he was devouring me with his eyes, but I was too captivated by his features to notice. It was a weird feeling; I felt his eyes burn into me but thought nothing of it. Until I finally looked up at him and there was a treacherous tug of arousal that soiled beneath his hazel eyes, it was powerful enough to make me think of something erotic. He had the nerve to ask me what I was thinking but I ignored him, being too shy to speak my thoughts. He of course noticed this and hummed and spoke incoherently. My head tilted and asked him what he said, but he shook his head in a dismissive manor. I shook it off and once again was lost in his captivating stare. I felt paralysed; my fingers stopped moving and I couldn't think of anything, it was like my breathing had stopped completely; for a second I forgot how to breathe. What the man does to me I could never understand. 

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