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"...she can feel his hardness poking at he stomach, the feeling of it just makes her want him more. Finally he start..."
" Kacy can you please put that book down, we have class remember?" Kendra, my best friend, just has to interrupt me just when I'm reading the best part.
"Urghhh, I know I know I'm coming, it's not like the world is going to end just cause I missed one class?" Of course it would, for me that is, I can never miss a class, FOR ANYTHING!!
" Oh please, we all know, you'd freak out afterwards and also it's your favourite class, it's Mr bootey" she says while giving me that weird smirk she does  and I like " you'd kill me if I let you miss that class, now get your ass up, you have an ass to look at,"
She's not wrong I'd definitely kill her if she let me miss that class.


"... alright that's it for today, we'll look at demand and supply on Monday, have a great weekend"
Well class was something, didn't really pay much attention, just glad it's over, now I can go back to my room, make myself lunch and eat while watching a movie.

"Oh my gosh I love this guy" kendra is a tiktoker which means she spends most of her time on tiktok, all she does is laugh and have crushes on the cute guys there.
"You really need to stop crushing on those guys, what's the point of crushing on them when you know you'll never meet them"
"Oh my poor poor bestfriend,"she says pausing her video and swinging her arm over my shoulder, oh great just turned on the lecturing kendra, urghhh...."these guys are real which means I have better chance at meeting them than you have at meeting those hunks you read about in your books"
" Kendra, I know I can never meet them, I don't hope to cause I know they don't exist but then you have hope , why, cause they exist, "
" Okay but then I can't help it, okay look at this guy and tell me you don't feel anything" of course we spend the last 30 minutes with her trying to convince me the guy she's showing me is cute, yeah he ain't that bad but then he's just not my type I guess, " ok ok fine this quinxxy guy or whatever his name is isn't...that bad " I say why shrugging. " Kacy! are you being for real, this guy isn't that bad? He's the most happening guy on tiktok right now and he's a model for goodness sake, no you can't be serious!!!"
"Kendra you know screaming in my ear won't help right?"
"Urghhh, whatever you'll never understand my womanly urges..." She says why twisting her waist..."ha ha ha ha, oh please kendra, "
"Fine you do you and I'll do me," she says finally giving up.
"I'm going to get myelf some lunch, I'm feeling lazy to cook" I say to kendra who's busy oogling at those quinxxysworld videos, literally face palming myself right now
" Okay, bye"
I'll probably find her sleeping.

I get myself the usual, sharwama and chips with fanta and start off. My walk is going great , until I bump into the last person I'd want to see right now, my ex.. urghhh, was really having a great day just had to be ruined.
" Hey kacy," urghhh
" Oh heyyyyy..." Wow even I could tell that was fake, keep walking kacy maybe he won't say anything el.....
"So how've you been, what's going on, ho...how's life treating you"
Why does he sound so nervous, wait ohhh I know where this is going " I gotta go jacob, I uhm I have d..dance practice?" Oh come on kacy, you had one, one job and you messed it up urghhh mentally face palming myself.
"Kacy come on, you know we have to talk, "
"No jacob we have literally nothing to talk about, I told you, this time we are really through and nothing will change that jacob, nothing. Now please excuse me "
kacy I know I did you wrong but...."
Oh no he didn't, he has the nerve to say that to me?
"Look, our past break ups were based on , useless things and that's why I usually forgave you or you forgave me, but this time jacob you just didn't forget to say goodnight, you CHEATED jacob, YOU cheated on me! ,and you think I'll forgive that?, I told you, I told you that I can forgive anything, anything jacob, except cheating and you just had to do that, first of all what didn't I give you huh, answer me"
"Sex ... Oh shi.."
" Oh wow, yeah thought so, bye jacob"
"Wait, kacy.. kacy!"
At this point I just want to get away from him, as far as possible.
I get back to my room and luckily my number one girl ain't sleeping.
" Well that went well" I said that just to get her attention by the way annnd it worked. Cause she paused whatever she was watching and looked at me.
"Jacob again isn't it"
" Yep, you know he's kinda annoying me now. I need my own space and he's getting all over it."
" Girl you don't need space, you need a replacement don't you think"
" What?, kendra  I am not like you, I don't move on that easily"
"I'm telling you it works, the only reason he's been following you around, for 2 goddamn months, is cause you still single. Can't you see you're giving him hope for a, you know, rerun"
"Yeah yeah I know what you mean, but I'll just wait, I don't want to rush into a relationship not especially after what happened  to my last one"
"Suit yourself baby girl, I gotta go back to watching my guns"
Ohkay, anyway I hope that was the last of jacob, and I know I'm hoping for too much here.


"Yes yes, nice one, now can you give me a serious face, great great, wow you're a natural..."
I'm used to this, you're a natural quincy , you are the best quincy, you're God sent quincy.... Yada yada yada, it's my everyday life, I ain't complaining I earn a lot from this typa job it's just that I'd want someone, anyone who's a little honest with me no fake smiles or anything. I know I'm asking for too much but still.
" Hey dude what you doing later tonight"
"I don't know tasha, what do you have in mind"
Tasha and I are friends, well we once dated but it ended sooner than it began, we figured it can't work out and now we are just buddies, kinda uncomfortable but we cool.
"Uhmm how about we go clubbing"
"Nah not in the mood for loud music and getting drunk"
"Oh come on quincy, it's a weekend, you gotta have some fun"
"Tasha you've always been in a club at the point where weekend clubbing ain't special anymore soo....."
"Oh wow, really dude, you just had to drop that on me. Fine okay cool you have a point, buuut, you haven't, let me take you out,"
"Nah it's cool, I'm going home , meet you on Monday"
Phew atleast she didn't try to stop me.

Finally back home, ahhh I love my own space, ohkay what on.
"Really?, I ain't watching this, let me just turn on some netflix"

Ring ring....
"Oh ma ghad, what now.....hello"
"Hello quincy, I'm calling to inform you that you're shooting outside the country on Monday"
"What,but I thought only nthando was going "
"Uhm yeah man I know but there's been a change of plans, the boss says you and tasha are gonna tug along "
"Urghhh fine man whatever, what time should I start off tomorrow"
"Uhmmm, you should be ready by 9am sharp I'm gonna come pick you up, then we'll go get tasha, cool?"
"Alright man cool, see you tomorrow"
Wow, just when I thought I'm gonna have a relaxing weekend. Well let's hope zambia's gonna be fun.

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