Pregnancy test

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"Fuck! This can't be happening".
"Letty, pregnancy tests don't lie".
"Mia! I can't be pregnant".
"A baby is a blessing Letty".
"You're brothers gonna flip when he finds out".

"I'm going to be an aunt", Mia said while jumping with joy.
"Promise you won't tell him".
"Ummmm.. Okay fine I promise.
"Good, I'll take my time and when I'm ready I'll tell him".

"Laticia Ortiz, he's your baby's daddy, you have to tell him".
"Fine don't get your panties up in a twist I'll tell him. I have to tell him".

"Hey baby, you're late", said Dom while grabbing her by the hip and placing a kiss on her lips".
"Had some things to do".

Dom knew there was something fishy but he didn't want to ask her.
"What do we have today?"
"Nothing much but you can get started on the Mazda over there, needs a gas fill and tires need a changin".
"I'll get right to it".

Letty walked towards the car tool box in hand.
She wondered if she should be working in her condition.
But she didn't want Dom suspecting

"Letty, there's a race downtown tonight, me, Vince and the boys are going...
Before Dom could finish Letty ran passed him.

"Fuck, I hate this morning sickness thingy".
Dom followed her." Let, are you okay?"
Letty puked into the toilet bowl.

"No Dom ,I'm not okay, I'm pregnant".
Dom was silent, he didn't know what to do or to say.

"I'm going to be a father?"
"Yes Dom you're going to be a dad".

Letty thought Dom would be unhappy and angry but instead he hugged her and kissed her passionately for a long long time.

Dom and LettyWhere stories live. Discover now