eleven/jane ;)

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"so, um... why did you offer to walk me home..?"

jisung glanced at the blond male who was striding beside him for only a millisecond before bringing his gaze back to the street in front of them.

"i thought i made it obvious enough. you said you were too tired to walk so going by yourself has a risk of you falling or fainting or someone taking advantage of you. you're also not as aware of your surroundings as usual so you could go the wrong way and get lost without knowing or end up somewhere that's not good for you. it's also getting dark soon and that says enough in itself. there's dangers to everything."

felix was shocked at the level of detail the male could go into in such a short amount of time to even think of it, let alone say it, therefore staying silent for a second. it also seemed like, to him, that someone was finally taking him seriously and caring for his state whether positive or negative and whether a tiny gesture or not. he was still walking the younger home to avoid him getting hurt, and that meant something to felix.

"oh, thank you. that means more than you'd expect." jisung looked over to the blond to catch the bright smile etched on his lips, the freckles on his cheeks seeming to sparkle in the winter sunlight. jisung just tore his eyes away and nodded.

as they walked, felix couldn't help but notice the pairs of eyes boring into them, more specifically him, and how many people had only taken a split second to notice the two. he glanced around the faces of everyone he saw and there wasn't one person who didn't have their eyes glued to them, whether judgementally or admiringly. he even gasped when he saw a girl looked like she was going to murder him; for walking!

jisung heard this gasp and looked at the blond to find his head lowered and eyesight trained on the ground, realising that he wasn't used to the situation he was in. he himself was as he walked the streets daily like he was a celebrity so he didn't care how others looked at him. however, the smaller was clearly uncomfortable.

"it's okay." felix hummed and looked up, confused. "ignore them. you'll get used to them eventually, they won't go near you or hurt you. no one has the guts to do so in public."

"oh really? because the girl back there looked like she wanted to murder me. literally."

"yeah, i said not in public but she could somehow find your address—" he glanced at the blond who seemed slightly horrified at the concept. "hey, chill out, it was a joke. she won't actually do shit. no one will."

"it was a stupid joke." felix scoffed and punched jisung's arm playfully although when the raven haired glared down at where he'd been hit, he instantly retracted his arm and looked away. "sorry."

"do i have to clarify that i'm not going to kill you now? or are you always that apologetic."

"well, when we first interacted in the cafe, i thought i was a goner for a second. honestly i was terrified but now you just surprise me."

"i surprise you?"

"you're not as bad or scary as everyone makes you out to be. i mean, i always assumed that was the case but you never know, really."

"so that's a good thing."

"yes, it's a very good thing. i'm very glad, actually." felix laughed as his apartment building elevator ascended. jisung hummed, thinking over the male's words and a small wave of happiness washed over him, which to him wasn't understandable but to others, it would've been obvious.

they reached felix's apartment and he pulled out the keys, unlocking the door and letting them in. jisung took note of how minimalist but pretty the apartment was thanks to felix and his roommate's decorating. speaking of which, the female was sat on the sofa and lifted her gaze from her phone when the front door opened, only to stare in shock when she saw who entered with felix.

"oh, hi yves!" the blond greeted, fully aware of the mini heart attack he'd just caused for his roommate. before she could answer however, the two males had already entered felix's room.

"you can just put the bag on the desk, i'll sort it later." felix instructed as he took off his jacket.

"by later you mean after you've rested."


"did you forget the entire reason i walked you home?"

"oh, yeah no i'll sleep at some point, don't worry. you should probably get back to the others though, or they'll start assuming things." jisung nodded and the two left the room again as felix escorted him to the front door, past the still processing yves.

"bye." jisung said, stepping out into the hallway, about to continue walking when,

"wait, jisung!" the male turned to see a slightly pink-cheeked felix and raised a brow.

"thank you for walking me home, you didn't have to. and also, i really enjoyed it. you know, the talking and everything." felix smiled sheepishly at the other male. "it was fun."

jisung blinked in silence for a second and felix thought that he was about to leave without another word. however, jisung did something unexpected instead. the tips of his ears tinted red and his lips pulled into a small, almost invisible but still visible to felix, smile.

"i did too."

omg how long has it been since the last chapter ? almost a month ?
not as bad as my blackbear readers omg i need to update that like QUICK its been like four months—

anyway ! progress is being made and i like this update honestly :)) what do you think ?

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