Just Peachy, Sir

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Today is the day - I get to go to one of the nations best pilot training schools. I'm currently packing my bags, throwing all my uniforms in there, even though I highly doubted that I'd need all of them. The academy's official name is NATS (pronounced gnats), which stands for Naval Aviation Training School. It's for beginners such as myself, so I won't be the only one not having a clue what I'm doing. I just have one tiny issue with the school. They won't let me take my dog, Chip. He's tame, trained, housebroken, and calm. And he's friendly! I get it, German Shepherds can look intimidating, and their barks are scary, sometimes, but Chip is sweet. I even personally wrote the CFI (certificated flight instructor) a letter, begging him to let me bring my sweet boy. Of course it was a no, but it was worth a shot.

However, I did have other plans. I was just gonna act oblivious to the fact that no animals were allowed, and that the recruiter who I had talked to didn't go over that with me. Which would work out perfectly, because he was fired a couple days ago for misconduct.

As I thought this plan up in my head, I didn't think about the drive I needed to make, or the fact that it was already 1800 and I had to be there by 0500, sharp. I had to drive for 16 hours, without really stopping at all. I only had 11 hours to make it. How the hell am I gonna do that? As I shake my head, deep in thought, I peer at the clock, the time taunting me.

"Chip," I begin, clicking my tongue for him to follow. "Let's go buddy." He comes up to my side as I gently pat his head, throwing my bags on my back and carrying a few in my arms, a couple belonging to Chip. "Heel, Chip," I command the long-haired German Shepherd as he walks by my side. As I exit my tiny little ranch-style house, I lock it up and dig for my car keys. I switch them around with my house keys, unlocking my car from the porch as I make my way over there.

I begin to start loading all of the bags up, in the trunk. I get Chip his bed laid out in the backseat, him climbing in after I command him to. I checked the challenging time once again, pulling out of the driveway and onto the not-so-busy interstate next to my house. The name of the city I had to be at buzzed in my head over and over again.

'Clearwater, Clearwater, Clearwater.'

I couldn't stop thinking about it, and how pissed the commander would be if I was even a minute late. I was beginning to rethink my choices, until I got a call. It first popped up on my car-screen, thanks to the bluetooth connection.

"Call from Commander Spiteri." The automated voice rang out, alerting me that I was getting a call from one of my previous commanders. I hesitantly picked it up, answering, "hello, sir?"

"Yes, Cadet Halo. Are you reporting to NATS at exactly 0500 tomorrow morning?"

Shit. He knows.

"Yes sir. I will be there at exactly 0500. Is everything alright, commander, sir?" I ask, hoping to break some of the awkwardness and guilt coming from my side.

"Everything is fine, thank you for asking, Halo. I do have one minor thing to add, before you get too far into your trip," he mentions, and I almost shit myself. Not literally, but like, it scared me. What if he told me that I couldn't bring Chip? Then what would my plan be?

"Yes sir?"

"There are no animals allowed. Which means you cannot bring that GSD that you trained with at BMT. Understood?"

I hesitate, a lump forming in my throat as I cough a bit, putting off talking for as long as I can.

"Is everything alright, cadet?"

"Just peachy, sir."

As he wraps the conversation up, I bounce my leg fast paced, out of nervousness. Right after the commander hangs up, I sigh in relief and distress, all at once. What did I need to do to keep Chip by my side? I was going to fight tooth and nail for this dog, even if it was literally the death of me. I look back at Chip, who was resting his head on the edge of his make-shift dog bed. I sigh, talking to him from the front seat.

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