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Am I writing a typical anime cliche right now?
Yes, yes I am.
Do I care?
No, not really.

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

Beach Buddies

Koichi renamed the chat to 'Beach Buddies'
Koichi added Yukako
Koichi added Y/n
Koichi added Okuyasu
Koichi added Josuke :)

< Hey guys! We up for the beach today? :)

< Of course, Koichi <3

< Wht
< What is this

Josuke :)
< Okuyasu its a gc lol

< O right
< Sry I just woke up

It's like 12:00 how were you still asleep? >

< Idk I stayed up help my dad last night

< Answer Koichi's question, guys

< Yea sure ill go to beach

Josuke :)
< Idk I did a lot yesterday I'm a little tired lol

< Aw :( wbu Y/n?

Yeah I got nothing today so sure. Plus I was promised ice cream >

Josuke :)
< ig I'm just being lazy maybe I will go

< Cool! How does 2:00 sound?

Josuke :)
< Sure

< Yeah idc

Sure >

< Anytime is fine!

< k I'll pick you guys up at 2 then

A lot of preparation was done before I could go.
First of all, I told Koichi that I live across Josuke so giving him my address would be unnecessary.
Second, I had to make sure my parents were distracted while I left, so they wouldn't see me taking a bunch of beach stuff out.
Sadly, today was one of those days my parents would be at home all day, so I had no choice but to make a plan.
Luckily, I'm pretty sneaky, so it shouldn't be too hard.

It was an hour before 2:00. I had already packed all I needed in my beach bag, which consisted of sunscreen, a beach towel, water bottles (since they're so damn overpriced at snack stands), sunglasses, a sun hat, and a few other essentials.
The bad thing about beach bags, however, is the fact that they're so noticeable.
For example, if you see someone with a beach bag, you'll think, 'oh, that person's going to the beach!'
Of course, there are simple solutions, like just using a different kind of bag.
But I have this bag and I like never use it, I'd like to use it at least once for its intended purpose...

It'll prove to be a problem when I leave, since my parents will most definitely see me leaving.

Of course, it'd be unlike me to not plan for a situation like this.

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