Chap 1

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Jane slowly walked into her house, still in shock by what had happened earlier that day.

She and Joe were babysitting for her neighbor, when the house cat started having problems breathing. She tried all she could, but the cat ended up dying in her arms.

'I'm never going to be asked to babysit again!' She moaned.

'Now now. You couldn't have known what would happen. That cat was very old! Even the owner said that he was expecting that cat to go at any moment.' Joe replied, trying to comfort her.

'He still died on my watch!'

Joe didn't really know what to do to help her, other then stay by her side and let her cry. So the next day when Jane refused to go to work, he called her team to ask for help.

Sure enough, all throughout that day, they came to her house to help her feel better!

'I brought cake. Hope you like.' Lucy said.

'Here's some cookies. And um, I dog sat once, and it was a bad experience. But I eventually got over it.' Jesse said.

'I looked after some cats once, and they definitely hated me!' Kai chuckled.

Ernie was too busy to stop by, but he did leave a text:

'I dog sat once, an he got into food that he wasn't supposed to eat. Had to take him to the vet and everything.'

'Aww. Thanks you guys! I'm feeling better already.' Jane said, very touched by their kindness.

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